A fine actress

Not being any sort of a horror fan I surprised myself one evening when I somehow decided to view The Cabin in the Woods. Wow. What a spectacular film & one that introduced me to some great talent such as Kristen.

I also really did enjoy her performance on House of Cards as well. She is one of those people who can portray quite a bit of emotion with just a simple facial expression. I think it would be wonderful if she chose to do a romantic comedy. Why I think she would perform well is her ability to emote, her sympathetic style as in HOC & the fact that she's just a lovely woman who just about any straight guy would find desirable.

I might be a little over caffeinated just now, but I think it would be too good if the film were some HOC spin off/side story and she could team back up with the very excellent actor Corey Stoll. They seemed to have great chemistry on screen.

Finally I just had to post something about this talented young woman. Visiting a board and finding the most recent post by some perv who just wants to see the person nude is just too off putting not to try to bury somehow.

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”


Answering by references: one thing does not remove the other, and wanting to see a beautiful woman naked does not make you a pervert.
