MovieChat Forums > Jennette McCurdy Discussion > They shrunk her boobs

They shrunk her boobs

on Sam and Cat.


She lost weight and they might also tape her down/use heavy bra work because they want S&C to be for younger kids.

Come out with your hands up, we have you partially surrounded!


I don't think she has lost her boobs, I think wardrobe magic make them smaller. They allow her to show more than even iCarly though. I say they are not smaller because they are still epic off camera. The thing is she doesn't flaunt them like she was after iCarly. I'm not saying that in a shaming way, she has said that she dressed sexier because of certain reasons at the time.

She still dresses sexy but its in a much more classy way. You can be majorly sexy without almost showing your ass cheeks and taking a major chance at a nip slip. Don't get me wrong, I liked those photos but I find her current style to be a lot sexier in a more subtle and classy way. Seriously every individual picture from her last 3 or 4 photoshoots are more sexy than all those twitter and Instagram pictures from around that time.


They might scare kids--right. Seriously, that's how Hollywood works. Katy Perry had her Sesame Street skit cut because of the bounce.


Its not Hollywood, its parents groups, conservatives, and religious type. And Its not scaring kids, they think it will corrupt them or some BS. The truth is the want to shove their religion, morals, and agenda on us.

Also PBS wasn't ever really Hollywood but they used to be in the middle occasionally leaning left. They used to be about journalistic integrity and showcasing the arts and sciences. That quickly going away.

The right loves to call PBS liberal propaganda, but that hasn't been true for awhile. They survive on donations and their biggest donors recently have been conservative groups and big business, that PBS's higher ups intentionally pitched conservative biased programs for money now. At the same time conservatives still call it liberal propaganda. This is done to trick people to think PBS is unbiased when its far from it.

They have become whores to conservative big businesses money. And NPR is becoming the same way. They still have good programs but they sneak these inbetween that.


She typically wears dark and loose clothing so it's not as obvious.


well not all the time.
