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Without the idiotic kung-flu masks.


Yes, because even the 'slightest' attempt to try and protect yourself and others is idiotic to you . . .🙄


When, after more than a century of scientific research, it has been proven that masks do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, then yes, wearing them is at the least uneducated, and at the worst idiotic. Besides, whether or not you believe they work, there is no reason to have a photo here with people wearing them.

Enjoy your face diaper.


After more than a century of scientific research it has been proven that masks are our best defense against respiratory diseases. Does it stop everything 100%? Of course not. How could you expect it to when it comes to particles? It’s all or nothing with you guys and that is a ridiculous way to look at anything.

Why the fuck do you think surgeons wear masks? Why don’t you tell them they don’t have to wear them while operating on YOU because they are idiotic?
