MovieChat Forums > Angela Merkel Discussion > She is finally leaving

She is finally leaving

Germany elections tomorrow,and she isnt running. Lets hope the new parliament finds quickly a government agreement,so she can leave for good. Goodbye!



She can go home and burn the German flag in the privacy of her own castle.


Crocodile tears ! But I wonder if Germany will feel naked without its Angular Merkin ?


she ruined germany pretty fucking bad. feels like middle east last couple times i went. half the people in public transport have hijabs and shieet... place is a melting pot just like usa except they dont even have gunrights lmfao, what a shithole


Agreed. The last time there were so many homeless people in Berlin was 1945.


yes and at least it was homeless germans now it feels like Murica but like i said without guns so it even more ridiculous


You'll get stuck with an even worse person, trust me..
