Tyler Perry Defies Left To Blast ‘Defund The Police’ – Says ‘We Need More Police
However, Perry has since become disillusioned with the “defund the police” movement. 2011’s ‘Highest Paid Man’ in entertainment thinks it has gone way too far.
“But, lately, I’ve been very, very concerned that the message is being hijacked by some other groups or political ads and parties that are trying to stop the message of what we’re asking for here as police reform, right? So, yeah, I was, but I’m worried now because of what I’m seeing.”
It’s incredibly rare to find anyone in Hollywood exercising this level of common sense these days, especially when it comes to the police.
Unsurprisingly, however, Perry is getting inundated with backlash from radical leftists who want to “cancel” him for daring to defend blue lives: