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Dude... you're not the only one... She's hypnotic, even though I think we both have some issues... LOL


I don't know man... a girl I used to date has a theory. I like girls like that because I see in her the "underdog" factor. As I wasn't that popular in school, I felt connected with unpopular girls who look weird and with a hidden beauty.

For me has a lot of sense... I don't know if applies for you.


I love her smile... and for some reason her face is hard not to watch... Totally agree about the hair.

I'm up to the fan club, but It would be really hard for me to meet her since I'm far away from the US.

It's funny how none of my friends see anything special about her... at all!



I'm from and I live in Colombia...

I've seen some interviews, and not only the character is cute... Eden Sher is also likable... she has some weird moves that I find really cute.
