MovieChat Forums > Madeleine Albright Discussion > Didn't know she was Jewish?

Didn't know she was Jewish?

She praised the Iraq war and specifically the murder of 500,000 Iraqi children as "worth the cost".


Apparently she didn't know she was Jewish. Her parents had fled Czechoslovakia and had hidden their Jewishness to avoid being killed by the Nazis, and became "retroactively Catholic" when they got to the US. Albright didn't find out about her true heritage until she was middle-aged.

What effect this had on her political decision-making, I will let others discuss.


Fake News!

During the rush to wage war in Iraq in the early 2000s, one figure widely cited both to justify and oppose the U.S.-led invasion was that more than 500,000 children had died as a result of U.N.-imposed sanctions in the previous decade.

Nearly two decades later, researchers at the London School of Economics have concluded that the figure simply wasn’t true.

Instead, child mortality figures provided to the United Nations were deliberately doctored by Saddam Hussein’s government to discredit the international community, the researchers said in a new report published by the British Medical Journal of Global Health.
