MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > Katie Price checks in with vague innuend...

Katie Price checks in with vague innuendoes

Price made a comment about Brand supposedly inferring his recent accusations may be true but her comment doesn’t support it.

“We (her and her sex-addicted boyfriend) were stuck in LAX airport with him once. He had his girlfriend with him and I was with Pete. He was trying to pull my stylist when his girlfriend was out there standing with her, so to me that says a lot.”

Had to look up “pull” which means he tried to pick her up in Brit slang.

Seriously? That’s it? She’s trying to fan the flames with that?

Even if true, that just makes him a jerk of a boyfriend, not a sexual abuser.


Tales of his horribleness are growing every day.

It's only a matter of time before the Canadian House of Commons and Senate give him a standing ovation.


Tales is right. Possible stories with no support.


Oh look a z-tard


EVERTIME, they tell such stories, it shows that they are NOT about actual RAPE, but just about singling out a target for the mob, so as to support the Culture of Fear.


There is a reason everyone talked about "Me too" movements and Harvey Weinstein, but nobody mentioned a word about Terry Richardson.

They selected their target, and then started a media campaign, it could not get any more obvious.
