MovieChat Forums > Charlie Cox Discussion > Love child of RPattz + RSL

Love child of RPattz + RSL

I just saw "Stardust" for the first time, and I thought that he looks like a combination between Robert Pattinson and Robert Sean Leonard...Does anyone else see the resemblance?


Yeah, there's definitely a bit of Pattison in that smile. And he has RSL's boyish charm and floppy hair. Not a bad combination...

"The road to hell is paved with adverbs."
Stephen King


I whole-heartedly agree, not a bad combination at all! ;)


I noticed the Rob Pattinson thing while watching Stone of Destiny, not Stardust-I think it was the haircut-but Pattinson doesn't really do it for me. I think Charlie is much, much, MUCH better looking than him! I think it was just the haircut and the passing resemblance-he VAGUELY looks like Pattinson-but much better looking!


NO!!!!!!!!!!!!Nonsense ,LOL I really like Charlie but I find something about Robert Pattinson unappealing...(yeah maybe it's just me)don't get me wrong Rob is good looking but not my cup of tea...but Charlie is a whole different story...

"Love is a Force You can't control"
