MovieChat Forums > Charlie Cox Discussion > Bit of a prima donna whilst filming?

Bit of a prima donna whilst filming?

I just watched Stardust with the directors commentary on for the first time and charlie sounded really hard to work with. Little comments the director said about how he never wanted to say certain lines and how he didnt learn the sword trick near the end. Anyone else agree or am i jsut hearing things? I really rate him as an actor and love the film but just thought it was weird that as a relitavly new actor he seemed to be making waves during filming...

I'm gonna stay eighteen forever,
So we can stay like this forever...


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My Stardust DVD doesn't have a director's commentary?

I'm findin' mah bloody constant.


yes, i heard that it didn't have one. mine doesn't and everyone was complaining how skimpy the special features are on the dvd...


My dvd also doesnt have the directors commentary and i love watching the movie and listening to the commentary!! Damnit

'You better choose your words carefully because im not your anything' Jimmy Eat world


I think the UK version does....grrr...I love commentary tracks, but it does sort of take away from the finished product's mystique, I guess.


Trust the UK version to have it. Oh well hopefully my dvd store will have one with a commentary. I love commentary cause they give you little bits of information about the movie! I always watch it and my family get irritated cause i watch almost every dvd we get twice so i can hear the commentary.
'You better choose your words carefully because im not your anything' Jimmy Eat world


I think you have to take those comments in the context in which they were meant- Matthew Vaughan does mention during the commentary that is was all affectionate teasing. Charlie Cox was a relatively inexperienced actor when he made this film, and I think M.V. was simply finding it amusing that certain things made him uncomfortable, as a relative newcomer. I worked with him last year and he wasn't the least bit of a prima donna.


Dircters always tease the new actors.
