I would like to see Taylor take acting gigs in other countries. That is truly international and getting out of your comfort zone. With that said, I hope this isn't a project he's involved with. Doesn't look good. But, there are many acting roles in China that Taylor could fit into. Something where he could use his martial arts, for more than a quick gimmick, would be great. So many American actors limit themselves. Only wanting to work on American films. The world is bigger than one country. I do hope Taylor gets that next big movie role. I miss him on the big screen.
Also hoping Cuckoo is still the agenda. Can't get enough of Dale, Rachel and the family. I know it might be tempting to do what Andy Samberg did. Which was basically use Cuckoo as a steppingstone to open doors to something successful in American television or films. But, it also can seem slightly ungrateful. If its possible to stay on a show that elevates you, even in the slightest form, I say try to make it work. I think Scream Queens was gonna be that successful American role, except the audience for that show, is more cult like and killing off, the popular Chad, made some viewers, not even want the show to succeed without him. So Taylor, stiuck with the quirky, funny Cuckoo, if you can. The show and role of Dale fits you like a glove.