MovieChat Forums > Mehmet Oz Discussion > He is going to win biggly

He is going to win biggly

a mega maga winner....start crying now dems.




3cheers for the retard


Hip hip hooray for raymond!
Hip hip hooray for raymond!
Hip hip hooray for raymond!


The only crying I hear hear is from the Republicans.


There is no overcoming fraud, and there was plenty of it in PA among other places (just like in 2020). Take this into consideration, Oz was leading in the last three polls leading up to the election, according to Gallup, more americans identified as Republican than democrat by a whopping six percentage points, the congressional generic ballot gave the gop an edge of 3 to 4 points, and finally, we brought SIX MILLION more voters to the polls than the dems. So explain to me, how do you explain these results any other way than widespread coordinated fraud? You can't.


Here, have a tissue. It looks like you need it. How come you or anyone else cannot provide proof that this or the 2020 election was rigged? Repeating what you heard from your right wing masters is no proof.


Do you just choose to ignore these facts I just laid out, or do you not just understand them? Keep in mind that YOU are being disenfranchised as well as you have no say in who your political leaders are either. They just install themselves. Those who lead the Republican party are imbeciles that won't listen to those of us that know what we are talking about.


So you have no proof. Got it. Your facts are pure nonsense.


I am not going to spoon feed you. If you can't see for yourself what is happening, then not I, or anyone else can help you. Some people are just destined to go through life ignorant.


Look in the mirror !!


I'm bored, so why not:

NOTHING you babbled was true.
1) Oz is a charlatan, a bully, and a clown. So he lost.
2) You're either lying or misinformed about Gallup, as Dems outnumber Republicans by a healthy margin and have for a LONG time:
3) The GOP has not "had an edge" for DECADES. If there were no electoral college, the country would've been repped by Democrats for longer than you've been alive.
4) You can make up numbers like "SIX MILLION" all you like; it's simply not true. Doesn't matter if you capitalize it.

Your nonsense is easily disproven:
Conclusion: You're either an idiot, a troll, or a liar w/too much time on your hands. Or all three?



1) Oz was ahead in the polls leading up to election. Your opinion of him is your opinion, not how the world sees him. At the end of the day he is still a highly intelligent medical doctor and certainly more capable than a stroke patient that can't speak and dresses like a homeless person

2) Here is the gallup polls that show Republicans had a four point edge in party affiliation since September (sorry, I said six)

3) I don't know what you are talking about

4) five to six million more republicans went to the polls than dems. A simple google search would have told you that

Now how about you do a little research before responding to posts. I really hate to go back and correct what people got wrong.
