Come on.. Come clean. Transparency here at MC is everything and if you really despised this kid like you claim, you wouldn't keep bumping this thread up every chance you get?? Admit it: You love this kid's chubby cheeks don't ya?? π€
[β] OnanTheBarbarian (12214) 5 hours ago
Huh? Where did I say that?
[β] OnanTheBarbarian (12214) 2 days ago
He's quite the little actor.
And you're definitely not quite the little actor, feigning this ridiculous charade, give it up you fool absolutely no one. Again, I'm glad your shitty leftist cuck allies got smoked for trying to mob attack a minor. It brings me great joy to see you degenerates still seething about it like whiny raging impotent manchildren all these years later. All the emojis in the world can't hide your blasted booty, leftard. Chalk another L, you're used to that by now surely.
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He's right where he belongs now as a free man, as judged by a jury of his peers whose opinions are the ones that count and not a bedwetting leftist still crying 4 years later on MovieChat.
That's right, you don't get to "disarm a dumb kid" who is legally armed simply because you're scared of guns. I'm very sorry that your silly comrades weren't allowed to burn a city over a rapist resisting arrest, meanwhile sack the fuck up and get over it maybe?
Utter bullshit and everyone knows it. If any guy walks down Main Street with a loaded rifle over his shoulder in any town in the U.S., we all know he'll be surrounded by cops and told to lay face down on the ground. And you sure as hell don't take a rifle to a riot.
Who or what was getting raped, exactly, besides the American Bill of Rights?
Onan, Rittenhouse was spotted by several cops and they didn't try to disarm him or surround him. He wasn't the only one that was open carry that night, in fact, one of the guys he shot had a gun.
But let's for just a moment, assume that you are correct, that cops would surround an open carry citizen, why would the dudes that got shot take matters into their own hands? Kyle never pointed the gun at anyone and made no threats towards anyone, but yet, they decided to take the law into their own hands and physically attack Kyle.
One of them also said to Kyle, "I'm going to kill you". At that moment, you have two options, you can ignore this threat or you can take it serious. Kyle chose to ignore it, the two assailants chose to attack. The end result was someone simply defending himself against such an attack. You may not like it, but the law is what it is.. Especially when someone tells you what their intentions are.
Dude, I'm all in favor of gun rights. But the purpose is for hunting. The cops had their hands full. But one important point, police don't shoot people for lighting fires in trash cans, which is what Rittenhouse's first victim did.
We've seen the videos. One man had a gun pointed at Rittenhouse's head but didn't shoot. Another guy threw a plastic bag at him. Anthony Huber tried to use a skateboard to knock the gun out of his hand. He didn't try to clobber Rittenhouse over the head.
We can't have fools strolling down the street looking to shoot people. Rittenhouse was supposed to be there to protect private property. And that's legitimate. He had no place playing cop on a public street. If he hadn't been there, three men wouldn't have been shot and all would be well and good.
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Onan, school shootings are completely different scenarios than the KR case. For the most part, the Kyle R (I'm going to just start using 'KR' for short) case is just 2 or 3 rowdy obnoxious dudes meeting in a dark alley and only one comes out alive. Am I really supposed to care about that? Honestly, I don't...
And yes, it may seem minuscule what they did to KR but here's the thing, KR doesn't know that. The guy said "I'm going to kill you". He felt his life was threatened, and at that point you can use lethal force to stop it. That's the law. If you don't like it, talk to your congressman about it.
KR gave no indication that he was there to kill people in a mass shooting. He was not confronting anyone over their choice to riot, he didn't shoot what's his name because he started a fire. Say whatever you want but this case shouldn't have ever gone to trial. It's a joke that it did.
It's interesting though that on this thread people are lining up left and right as if this is about politics. To me it's just a law and order issue. It makes no difference if the rioters were Antifa or the MAGA crowd who stormed the Capitol. It's hilarious to me that the same people who defend Rittenhouse would be furious if some gunman had shot the Trump supporters on January 6th at the Capitol.
I have a hard time believing that a guy who walks into a riot with a loaded rifle doesn't bare responsibility if people try to disarm him. They didn't know he wasn't there to do the next Sandy Hook.
How can you claim self defense when you're the one with the gun?
How can you claim self defense when you're the one with the gun?
Easily, it's because carrying a gun is totally legal while attacking someone for it isn't, you utter spastic.
Your false equivalence and attempted DARVO is noted and thrown back in your whiny fag face.
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You're such a flaming cuck it's unreal, an absolute degenerate trying to conflate self defense with a mass shooting. Fuck off you evil POS us humans have had it with your bullshit.
How long can society allow idiots like you to roam free? It's high time we rounded you all and put you back in the padded cells where you obviously belong.
No, you don't get to mob attack a minor because you're scared.
No, you don't get to shoot up a school because you're sad and angry.
No, you don't get to assassinate a CEO because "phew my back is sore"
This is a Good/Evil thing and you guys are quite clearly on the side of Evil. Don't cry when you reap the consequences of acting the way you do.
Hilarious. You're losing it. You're seething. Calm down.
Dumbass, you're a partisan hack. I'm not even "liberal" on this one. Middle-of-the-road law and order and more pro-cop than I've ever been in my life. Shoot the other side but don't shoot me!!!
I feel the same way about the January 6 Trump rioters as I do about Antifa and BLM. Lone idiots with guns can't shoot any of them. You have a right to protest. Stay home with your Semi-Automatic and let the cops handle it.
Hilarious that you think you're fooling people. 4 years later and you soft cunts can't take the L. Stopped by a literal child lol
Maybe don't mob attack minors next time?
Your false equivalence and attempted DARVO is noted and thrown back in your whiny fag face.
Next time a rapist resists arrest and is shot and you want to REEEE just don't get scared of people legally carrying and you can still hold your big tantrums. Once you try to put your hands on that person though then pop-pop-pop
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No it's not, you can seethe about it all you like but you're totally and utterly wrong.
If any guy walks down Main Street with a loaded rifle over his shoulder in any town in the U.S., we all know he'll be surrounded by cops and told to lay face down on the ground.
Quick you should call the police, he should face a trial over it or something.
And you sure as hell don't take a rifle to a riot.
Well he totally and legally did and it was a good thing too as your pansy comrades tried to mob attack him. Cry more about it and it still won't change a thing.
Who or what was getting raped, exactly, besides the American Bill of Rights?
All of Rosenbaum's victims? one less charlie chester in the world to worry about, thanks Kyle!
I have 35 replies to this and only 6 of them showing up. π€£ The Liberals I have on ignore must be going crazy over his chubby cheeks and so much, I just want to reach through the internet and pinch this kids' fat cheeks!!
LMAO yes the usual idiots are REEEing still, unable to face the reality that most far left riots/tantrums can be defeated by a single minor with a gun lol