MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > So to the loony right Laundrie was autom...

So to the loony right Laundrie was automatically guilty but Rittenhouse automatically innocent

Because Laundrie allegedly killed a cute white girl that the rightists think they could have had a chance with but Rittenhouse being a rightist killed 3 white men. Hmm

Just an observation.


Ha ha! I am certainly not one of the right-wing minions, but just about everything pointed at Laundrie.
(LOL! Two people go out in a van camping & only one comes back & he ain't talking to nobody about nothing. . . .)

Everything points at Crybaby Kyle also, & he is getting a trial just like Laundrie would have.


Wasn't saying Laundrie wasn't guilty. Just noticed the right wing politically correct masses mobbed against him while the right wing politically correct masses are mobbing in favor of Kylie. Just an observation.


Well, the right wing retards are the definition of the word hypocrite, so that is to be expected.
