Militant and Cultural Feminists Believe That More Women in Politics Represents More Compassion
Clearly they're FUCKING ignorant of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.
PS: Before any MILITANTS or SIMPS come at me, I am an EGALITARIAN. I believe in EQUALITY, NOT SUPREMACY, for women and men.
And I believe that I, a *SHOCK HORROR* man, and *EVEN WORSE* a straight cis one who REFUSES to change my gender, as much as I WHOLLY SUPPORT TRANS RIGHTS, unlike a lot of 'feminists', (and NOT a fucking 'beta-cuck' man, as some of you dipshits would have it), am MORE COMPASSIONATE, MORE VIRTUOUS, MORE MORAL, MORE THOUGHTFUL and MORE DECENT than 99% of women, or indeed men.
Yes, I am a genuine white cishet man who REFUSES to play the fucking 'bad guy' role the militants and bad faith actors have assigned me. Sorry. Not sorry. ๐