MovieChat Forums > Marjorie Taylor Greene Discussion > Militant and Cultural Feminists Believe ...

Militant and Cultural Feminists Believe That More Women in Politics Represents More Compassion

Clearly they're FUCKING ignorant of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.

PS: Before any MILITANTS or SIMPS come at me, I am an EGALITARIAN. I believe in EQUALITY, NOT SUPREMACY, for women and men.

And I believe that I, a *SHOCK HORROR* man, and *EVEN WORSE* a straight cis one who REFUSES to change my gender, as much as I WHOLLY SUPPORT TRANS RIGHTS, unlike a lot of 'feminists', (and NOT a fucking 'beta-cuck' man, as some of you dipshits would have it), am MORE COMPASSIONATE, MORE VIRTUOUS, MORE MORAL, MORE THOUGHTFUL and MORE DECENT than 99% of women, or indeed men.

Yes, I am a genuine white cishet man who REFUSES to play the fucking 'bad guy' role the militants and bad faith actors have assigned me. Sorry. Not sorry. ๐Ÿ˜ 
