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The Invention of the Police Why did American policing get so big, so fast? The answer, mainly, is slavery.

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The Invention of the Police
Why did American policing get so big, so fast? The answer, mainly, is slavery.

“The police,” as a civil force charged with deterring crime, came to the United States from England and is generally associated with monarchy—“keeping the king’s peace”—which makes it surprising that, in the antimonarchical United States, it got so big, so fast. The reason is, mainly, slavery.

In the polis, men argued and debated, as equals, under a rule of law. Outside the polis, in households, men dominated women, children, servants, and slaves, under a rule of force. This division of government sailed down the river of time like a raft, getting battered, but also bigger, collecting sticks and mud. Kings asserted a rule of force over their subjects on the idea that their kingdom was their household. In 1769, William Blackstone, in his “Commentaries on the Laws of England,” argued that the king, as “pater-familias of the nation,” directs “the public police,” exercising the means by which “the individuals of the state, like members of a well-governed family, are bound to conform their general behavior to the rules of propriety, good neighbourhood, and good manners; and to be decent, industrious, and inoffensive in their respective stations.” The police are the king’s men.

The American Revolution toppled the power of the king over his people—in America, “the law is king,” Thomas Paine wrote—but not the power of a man over his family. The power of the police has its origins in that kind of power. Under the rule of law, people are equals; under the rule of police, as the legal theorist Markus Dubber has written, we are not. We are more like the women, children, servants, and slaves in a household in ancient Greece, the people who were not allowed to be a part of the polis. But for centuries, through struggles for independence, emancipation, enfranchisement, and equal rights, we’ve been fighting to enter the polis. One way to think about “Abolish the police,” then, is as an argument that, now that all of us have finally clawed our way into the polis, the police are obsolete.

the Guardian counted police killings, it reported that, “in the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatally shot more people than police did in England and Wales, combined, over the past 24 years.” American police are armed to the teeth, with more than seven billion dollars’ worth of surplus military equipment off-loaded by the Pentagon to eight thousand law-enforcement agencies since 1997.


the Guardian counted police killings, it reported that, “in the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatally shot more people than police did in England and Wales, combined, over the past 24 years.
ok. Hmmm. We don't carry guns so you might as well be comparing how fatal shooting there are to how many times a copper hops on his foot. Nice way to pick an absolute rag of a newspaper to quote from.

Simple question. I bet you won't answer you will twist something against me but I will ask anyway. If the police was fully defunded or guns were removed from them then crime would go down? Will the criminals also hand there guns in? Will criminals and others just turn to different means to kill and commit crime which is more likely but genuinly want to know.

We get it you don't like the police. Ok. You are free to do so. What are doing to change to status quo with the police? Are you protesting, going to you local leaders/charities to try and implement better training or are you which is the most likely answer sat at home doing nothing complaining on a movie site, I think it is that one.
