MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > Where’s the outrage for this teenager’s ...

She's the wrong colour (which completely goes against the false narrative, regarding 'black victimhood'....despite statistics constantly proving otherwise?) which will likely cue a bunch a self-hating sycophants claiming that the murderer was (somehow) wronged or provoked?

Preposterous as it sounds, the 'left' are that far gone now, they'd simply take a cursory glance at the article you linked and (falsely) presume that the Amish girl had murdered the black guy ('facts' obviously coming a loose-second to false sentiments....however ludicrous?)

I wonder if that cockmongler LeBron James is going to tweet about this poor girl (although I won't hold my breath?)


The riots we saw regarding GF was orchestrated and a plan to destabilize the sitting presidents chances for reelection. Aided by the media, organizers, funds it was domestic terror attack on the American people. We will not see such riots again unless its part of phase 2 in the narrative.

Many black leaders call BLM movement as "not our movement"
