I'm a huuuuge fan (of Ed and SNL) and was so excited to see Ed Helms host.....kinda took me forever, but i finally got around to watching it tonight, and was sorta dissappointed. Anyone else think he was extremely under-utilized?? i mean, he was in the background of most of the (overall unfunny) sketches. I thought for sure this would be an amazing episode,and it was just sort of a bummer IMO. Thoughts?


Yeah agreed. They did the same to poor Tina Fey the week before, and even to Helen Mirren. Stupid Lady Blah Blah had more screen time the following week.

It wasn't that he was unfunny, it was that they were crappy sketches.

Don't IMDb stalk me!


Right! He would have been brilliant, but the sketched were terrible


I know, I was honestly disappointed with how crappy they treated him. He also seemed genuinely excited to be hosting SNL. For someone who stars in one of NBCs top TV shows and in one of the highest grossing comedies, it was ridiuclous. Hope he gets the chance to host again one day where they give him decent sketches :)
