"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"
sharehaha, "Hey big haircut"
You give me joy that's unspeakable, Jesus I am so in love with You
eh eh eh Andy and the tuna...ohbutadohanda magical... eh eh eh Andy and the tuna.
"yeah, I'm fat. and being fat is my way of telling the world *beep* YOU!!"
The whole cell phone prank and the Call of Duty 2 episodes were classics. LMFAO!!!
sharelol - I'm always thinking one step ahead like... a carpenter, who makes stairs...
Dwight, you ignorant slut!
"I'm gonna kill you for REAL now. Game's OVER"
*Jim looks at camera*
the cellphone was probably my favorite moment ever.
when jim chucks it up through the roof from the break room.
oh man i lost it.
then the calls.
he ges so pissed.
it's classic.
If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didnt, so it doesnt.