MovieChat Forums > Ed Helms Discussion > The most annoying actor alive.

The most annoying actor alive.

By far.


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The most annoying OVERactor alive.


Agreed. Can't stand him.


Yeah I used to like this guy back when he was on The Daily Show, but The Office has ruined him for me, he's become so *beep* annoying on that show I can't even watch him in anything else anymore.


Yes definitely. He single-handedly destroyed a great TV show (The Office) and continues to do so.


OP: Exactly my feelings. A total hack. Spoils everything he's in. With any luck, Hollywood will eventually get it, stop hiring him and his career will be over. Wishful thinking...


Lol, looks like we're all on the same page here. He is a horrible actor & it saddens me that he's working when so many good actors are not.


Agreed. He used to be quite funny as a side characte in office, but as the poster above said, they made him such a douche, and it's like this transfers to everywhere else too.
