MovieChat Forums > Ed Helms Discussion > Your favorite Andy Bernard quote/moment....

Your favorite Andy Bernard quote/moment....

I love every scene he's in! He's the man! But this is one off the top of my head.

(When he's trying to hook up Oscar on a date)

"I don't care if you're gay, straight, engaged,...or whatever. A guy needs intercourse"

God bless Ed Helms.


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"Break me off a piece of the football cream."



Haha you totally posted this on the Office page, and I responded, but I'll respond again here.

I think every scene he's in is great, I love it when he starts singing, but I've loved Andy since he first appeared, even when I think we weren't supposed to like him...I still did! I have his "Rockin Robin" ringtone as my own haha.

He also has some pretty good quotes, I love saying "I'm not insightful enough to be a movie critic...maybe I could be a food critic? 'This muffin tastes bad', or an art critic? 'this painting is bad'".


His cover of "The Rainbow Connection" Pure epicness.


Ooh yes, that's a classic!

Oh, it is on like a prawn who yawns at dawn.


I like when he makes up nicknames for himself then calls himself it in the 3rd person. This quote from Moroccan Christmas had me in stitches.

'When I was in college I used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was puke. I would chug a fifth of socos, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people's empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, puke, rally, more soco, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I had let it affect my grades, but I aced all my courses. They called me Ace. It was totally awesome. Got straight B's. They called me Buzz'


"This muffin is bad..." lol

When he freaks out about his phone, and punches the wall.


I love it when he gets frustrated. The best Andy freakout for me was when Angela and Dwight were arguing in Dwight's Kitchen over Andy and Angela's wedding plans, and Andy gets up and is all like "guys! guys! we're all on the same team, lets stop arguing and work together", then he steps on a big pile of cow crap for the second time, and says "Now why is that in the kitchen?!". Lol, it was just hilarious, it's like the universe just loves irritating him sometimes
