Should've never been hired to such a position to begin with. One look at It/Its social media accounts and you can clearly see It/It has mental illness written all over It/It.
It/Its is obviously mentally ill. Like I said. It's written all over It/It. It/It shouldn't have been hired to begin with. Lots of people have degrees. And lots of people are nuts. Having a degree doesn't exclude you from being nuts. π€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈ
It's obvious that It/It wasn't hired for It/Its qualifications. It/It was hired to begin with because It/It checked the warped boxes required for It/Its affirmative action position.
He has a masters degree in nuclear science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. That's nothing to sneeze at. He was the assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy. It's not a high profile job and we have no reason to believe he was appointed for his fashion sense.
I do not believe his lifestyle and sex life which are unrelated to his job are relevant.
I don't think we want to go down that road. It could work in the opposite direction as well, and Protestant fundamentalists could be denied jobs. His private life is irrelevant.
The DOE hailed Brinton in June as a βwell-known advocate for LGBTQ youth.β
βSam is also a well-known advocate for LGBTQ youth and helped to secure protections against the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy in more than half of the country,β the DOE said.
If he wasn't an affirmative action hire, then none of this had to have been said it all. It can't be more obvious It/It it was an affirmative action hire. If none of that stuff has anything to do with It/It being hired or It/Its qualifications, then there was no point of saying any of it then. It can't be any more clear than that.
It/Its a sicko and it was obvious and It/It proved he was and I'm glad he got fired. It's yet another black spot on this joke of an administration. π€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈ
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the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy
"Conversion therapy" is shock therapy used on gay children to turn them "straight". They're shown pictures of naked people and given electric shocks. It's torture and it needs to be outlawed. It also doesn't work since sexual orientation is innate behavior.
How is he a "sicko" when he helped to prevent child abuse?
At this brings me back to my point. "Eccentric" is not mentally ill.
I'm a department manager and I hire and fire people all the time. People's personal lives have no bearing on how they do their jobs.
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My quote really had nothing to do with the conversion therapy. I know that you're smarter than this. My quote was to show that It/Its lifestyle was front and center when the DOE was speaking about him. It/it was clearly an Affirmative Action higher. And clearly a sick fuck who had no business being in such an important job. π€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈ
Affirmative action is not gonna get you a degree in nuclear physics at MIT. The guy was qualified for the job. It's silly to say he was hired for that job because he's "non-binary" whatever that means.
I really hated this guy before I read your link about his work against "conversion therapy". Now I admire him despite his quirks.
So, again, lots of people have degrees and lots of people are nuts. Having a degree does not preclude a person from being nuts. I'm sure everyone who was up for that job had the same degrees. But none of them got hired because they went with the freak instead in order to check a warped box. It/It being a freak was the main thing talked about by the administration and the main thing reported on when It/It got hired. π€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈπ€·ββοΈ
Oh bullshit. Do you have any proof that he was hired because he wears women's clothes? He had the education to do the job. MIT graduates can get most any job they want.
Why do you care so much about his personal life?
His work against conversion therapy and the torture of children is admirable. Do you support conversion therapy? I don't care how crazy he is. If he works to protect children, he has my support.
So "protecting children" overrides a criminal act? That doesnt seem like sound logic. HeΒ΄s qualified for the job but Im sure there are equally qualified people who arent criminals. I think having govt officials who arenΒ΄t criminals should be a priority.
Uh, dude, I'm not even saying he shouldn't have been fired. You do something stupid like steal luggage, you lose your government job. I support that.
What I'm saying is that if you look at the guy's accomplishments, starting a movement to protect children from psychiatric abuse, he's a hero. All heroes don't look like John Wayne.
Uh, this man is a nuclear physicist who also runs an organization which fights to stop teenagers from being abused with drugs and shock therapy. The creeps who run those joints are probably pedos.
Yes, theft is completely fine as long as he "protects children". lol. Why not give armed robbers a pass, as long as they are good to children? And IΒ΄m the "ignoramus".
"What have you done to stop child abuse?"
Not relevant to the argument.
"But you don't like him because he dresses funny!"
I donΒ΄t like him because heΒ΄s an unrepentant sinner and a criminal who is living in willful disobedience to God but gets called "heroic" because he supports a good cause when he clearly has mental problems.
Alan Turing (WW2 code breaker) was gay and even smarter, but he looked normal.
People who look freaky on purpose are usually mentally ill. Especially artists.
All artists and everyone who looks different must be locked up and put in insane asylums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have a degree in nuclear physics from MIT?
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private land-grant research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1861, MIT has played a key role in the development of modern technology and science, and is one of the most prestigious and highly ranked academic institutions in the world.
It doesn't matter what degree someone has, or where it's from, if he displays overt signs of mental illness, as Brinton does, he should not be in a position of high responsibility. Cutting and pasting information about MIT doesn't change that fact. Checking off a woke box undoubtedly played a part in his hiring. Being caught as a thief shows that his mental illness goes deeper than just dressing like a clown. Good riddance.