MovieChat Forums > Abigail Breslin Discussion > So, about how she's 17 and this dude's 2...

So, about how she's 17 and this dude's 25

She's dating the guitar player from All Time Low. I thought this had to be a rumor because its so strange. But, I did my homework and it turns out they met at an ATL show and are indeed dating. Does the age difference bother anyone? For me, it doesn't. I just think this is really *beep* strange.


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If you think about it would not be that huge of an age difference if she and he where both a few years older, But since she is still a teenager it seems creepy to me.

Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney


There is no legal age for dating.


Doesn't bother me seeing as she is allowed to drive.


Except it's most likely just a rumor. The only "proof" of them dating is a gossip magazine that called Jack the lead singer and used a picture of Alex. If they can't even do their research, what makes you think it's even true?
Besides Jack has said before that he would never date someone under the age of 18.
And isn't she all the time tweeting about trying to get over her ex from 5sos? (I don't follow her, but people are saying this).


Well as long as they're you know, knockin' boots, it seems perfectly harmless.
