Harbour Rocks!
The best guest star on all the Law & Order shows.
Very convincing as a silver thief.
And he played Sledgehammer's son on Book of Daniel!
Lucky dog.
Can't wait for Confess.
The best guest star on all the Law & Order shows.
Very convincing as a silver thief.
And he played Sledgehammer's son on Book of Daniel!
Lucky dog.
Can't wait for Confess.
This particular Harbour 100% does. And a many people would agree, yes. But all the lifeless unhinged reich wing maga chuds that have made him their target like they they’ve targeted/cry about the many actors (Hollywood in general), public figures (plus any sane non-regressive person) who aren’t “grrrr being against racism, bigotry, and the straight conservative ‘alpha’ white dude agenda that’s been pushed forever is woke pc agenda” maga loons? Typical fake news-spreading klanservative lunatics who love to project. Goes without saying that this place is infested with these loser magababy chuds.
But keep doing your thing, David (and all the non-reich wingers that constantly trigger the red pee scum). You know you’re on the GOOD side
of things when you trigger these con kkklowns
Bruh, the Nazis and KKK were leftists 😄
shareim sorry you have to lie about history.
the KKK who were southern democrats, was at a time when the democrats were the conservative party.
I love when conservatives who watch Dinesh dsouza bring up "the kkk were democrats!!" like its some silver bullet.
but leave out the rest of it. And how the parties have switched ideologies in the past to appeal to voters.
yes man anti immigration, anti women's rights, anti gay rights. but ya the nazis were def not conservatives.......
*Accuses me of lying about history, then proceeds to lie about history* 😆
I repeat, the KKK and Nazis were leftists, that’s fact.
The Democrats are just as bad today as they were back then. The only change they made was who to hate. Instead of hating on black people, they hate white people; instead of hating women, they hate men. Same hateful tactics, just different targets.
A few people may have crossed the aisle over the years, but the parties’ ideologies haven’t changed much if at all.
The Nazis were literal socialists, and treated their opposition just like the Democrats do now through abuse, censorship, fear-mongering, projection, and gaslighting.
1. no historian except afew fringe libertarian ones agree with you the nazis were left. conservatives and left wing historians/political scientists and economists agree that nazi fascism blended both socialism and capitalism economically and was largely conservative in its social and political aspects.
2. the Democratic Party back then represented conservative southern states. thats a fact
"he Democrats are just as bad today as they were back then. The only change they made was who to hate. Instead of hating on black people, they hate white people; instead of hating women, they hate men. Same hateful tactics, just different targets.
A few people may have crossed the aisle over the years, but the parties’ ideologies haven’t changed much if at all."
hahah what an in-depth and fact bases assessment. its are historians agree with you
"The Nazis were literal socialists, and treated their opposition just like the Democrats do now through abuse, censorship, fear-mongering, projection, and gaslighting."
okay time for some education
-the nazi party ONLY formed political aliances with German conservative parties, never the left wing ones
-every single socialist/communsit German leader fled or was killed. every single German Conservative party leader lived out their life. one even maintained his seat in the reichstagg despite being a non nazi party member!
-the first concentration camps were opened for socialists and communists.
- socialists, communists, gays, gypsies and jews were systematically targeted with an imprisonment and eradication program as groups. show me the systematic targeting of conservative in Germany as a persecuted group? ill wait
now this part being particularly naive and made up
" abuse, censorship, fear-mongering, projection, and gaslighting."
yes man thats a "leftist thing". no right wing dictatorship or government never did this. Pinochet and Franco never did any of this....
It doesnt matter what anyone says. what facts are presented, what historians and political scientists agree on etc. the answer for you is always "the democrats are bad and always been the bad guys in history"
what's 1+1? "the democrats are bad and censor people"
why do basically all American historians recognize the well documented ideological switches in both parties? "the democrats are bad and censor people and are oppressors! they hate women!"
1. Historians, uh huh, good one 😄 Snopes admins aren’t historians, buddy.
2. The Democrats moved north and took their ideals with them. The Republicans moved south and brought their ideals with them. That’s a fact.
hahah what an in-depth and fact bases assessment. its are historians agree with you
okay time for some education
now this part being particularly naive and made up
I went to school for political science. just under half my teachers were conservatives.
"The Democrats moved north and took their ideals with them. The Republicans moved south and brought their ideals with them. That’s a fact."
yes those pro slavery conservative democrats who hated the northern republican more progressive laws and enforcement... alll moved north.... and entirely shifted the voting blocs... ohh and all those republican northerns all moved south.....
LOLLL YOU actually wrote that nonsense. thank you for the laugh
no its not snopes. tis call academia who have PHDs, and have dedicated their entire lives to researching and reading books and documents you have never seen. compiling evidence and all coming to similar conclusions.
"they killed quite afew dissenters"
notice how you won't even touch my points. ill take that as you admitting your re wrong but too embarrassed to do so. so either show me the systemic persecution of conservatives and right wingers as a group. anything like they did to socialists and lefties. or admit you are wrong.
yes man the democrats for over 100 years have just been a hate party who decided who they hated. the republicans have been a love party. wow deep historical political analysis.
you dont know what you are talking about so ill end it here.
you are embarassing and have no education on any of these topics
So I proved all your points wrong, you have no more counter arguments, and are running away. Classy 👌🏻 😆
Have a good day, kiddo 👋🏻
yes you proved all my points wrong by not addressing a single one about the nazis mass and systemic persecution and targeting of socialists. while being friends with the conservatives.
apparently avoiding, ignoring and not addressing at all now means "proved your points wrong"
are you speaking some dialect of English I am unaware of where words mean the exact apposite?
so again. explain the political alliance of nazis and conservatives, their preservation and lack of any systematic persecution as a group.
vs the clear and apparent policy of systemic persecution of socialists and commies as a group?
ill wait
conservatives were certainly killed by the nazis. so were people with beards. this doesnt mean there was a "systematic persecution of this group"
shareWow you seem like a lovely person. You pretty much are the personification of intolerant liberals, who claim to be nice and peaceful people, but anyone who disagrees with them are terrible people who deserve bad things to happen to them. Most democrats and liberals are not like that but you perpetuate that cartoonish stereotype. Also why bring politics into a post that had nothing to do with it?
shareHe was great in Stranger Things and Black Widow👍
shareIf they wanted to go with a more gruff and battle-scarred Bruce Wayne in a Batman movie, he'd be great.