Tom Hiddleston Taika Watiti Kevin Feige Doctor Strange Advance Screening
Tom Hiddleston, Taika Watiti and Kevin Feige attended an advanced screening of Doctor Strange in Brisbane, Australia on 22nd of October.
So my day included seeing Doctor Strange in the company of Kevin "freaking Marvel" Feige, Tom "Didn't realise he was so tall" Hiddleston, Taika "You need to watch his unbelievably awesome movies" Waititi and the even deadlier company of my nephew Les "make me feel like a short arse" Warria. This nerd is almost ready to explode!! The special effects in Dr Strange are crazy ridiculous and Marvel yet again lifts it's game!!!! I almost weep for you DC! You're losing me!! Losing me!! Marvel just gives me what I need!!!!