MovieChat Forums > Tom Hiddleston Discussion > Why is everyone Bashing his Speech?

Why is everyone Bashing his Speech?

I thought it was sweet and insightful


Perception. Either way, there has been an uptick of donations to Unicef under his name by fans, so something good happened out of it, but sad he took such heat over expressing joy over entertaining aid workers who binge watched the series he won for. I mean who knew dedicating your entire award to aid workers and feeling glad you entertained them can be so...insulting? I think people are still on edge from a rough 2016, well at least imo

"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience." - TH


Well I thought it was a bit obnoxious and pompous. It started off good at first when he thanked the cast and crew of The Night Manager. But the final half of the speech was what I found pompous. No one is condemning him for his involvement in UNICEF but he totally lacked self-awareness and made it too much about himself and his self-importance in a mere tv show in the end and such instead of what the workers do. It's just not the right venue and there wasn't enough time to fully explain the situation while receiving an award. I don't blame people who found it White Savior-esque, it really reeked of it. Hopefully Tom will choose his words carefully next time.

I also don't believe he was nervous either since its been recently reported that UNICEF and his management agency have struck a deal to raise awareness through there clients, so this wasn't a sudden speech or nerves. He's been on the stage receiving awards in the past while on camera, he just chose his words wrong. I don't think he's a bad person at all just a bit too out of touch with how he comes off as, hopefully his management team will get on top of that.


I despise the term "white. Savior-esque". Like it's his fault he's white. If a black man, say Idris Elba, had said it would you call it "black savior-esque". Can people ever got past the race issue?


I think it has more to do with his ego rather then his skin color. I highly doubt Tom considers himself superior just because of the color of his skin or that he's much more important then those Doctor Without Borders workers. So this is a more ego issue then skin color issue. Though by him saying that speech and him being a white man makes it look that it is white savior-esque.. It was just a very badly worded speech imo.


If he was talking (also) about his work and a series he was on, how could he avoid to make it "about himself"? And by the way: the point, and what was actually said, was to dedicate the award to those workers. Too much about himself? OK, then.

And how does the fact that he deals with UNICEF regularly, results that he couldn't have been nervous at that precise moment, winning perhaps one of the biggest, or at least, more visible award in his career, in a category where he wasn't at all the favorite?



As what was said up thread, it's all a matter of perspective. I do think it's interesting though, that outside of the social media bubble, most people are wondering what the big deal is. Visit the comments section of any mainline news platform, MSN for example, and the overwhelming majority are scratching their heads over the whole thing. I think a lot of social media sites, twitter in particular, feed off meanness, and have a wolf pack mentality when it comes to piling on. Tom, in this instance, was the tasty carrion, and click bate news sites joined in the feast.


Also, Christian Slater, one of the celebrities used to bash Tom, retweeted Riz's positive comments about Tom's intentions during that speech. Christian had previously met Tom on the red carpet. There are pictures of them joking and talking. The people who started the controversy were writers seeking a click bait.

😖There's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.😱


A lot of major news outlets like NPR did criticize him though, so it wasn't only confined to social media or just shallow entertainment sites. While obviously some people didn't have a problem with his speech others did. No one was conspiring against Hiddleston. It's ridiculous the over the top dramatization some of his fans are willing to go just because some people didn't like his speech. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion and just because you don't agree with them doesn't make them necessarily ridiculous or wrong. Tom obviously found a problem with the speech if he had to post an apology the next day so there's that. Anyway, its over. He apologized and hopefully it won't happen again.
