Fred Astaire
Since this board is in its death throes, I feel the need to throw out the personal opinion that Tom would be perfect to play Fred in a biographical film. He has the look, talent, dancing capability and hairline (sorry, that was mean, lol) to play him perfectly. Seriously though, Tom has the slick charisma and charm and easy happy-go-lucky personality to take on the role and totally run right off to the moon with it.
And might I suggest the beautiful Jessica Chastain to portray the gorgeous Ginger Rogers? (I have no idea if Jessica can dance, but she is beautiful and talented to be sure). (I'm still trying to figure out who could portray Eleanor Powell... maybe no one ever because she was totally WTF awesome, lol.)
That is all. For the time being, I'll go back to watching the real Fred and Ginger on YouTube, lol. π
And to all the Tom fans on the board, I've really enjoyed chatting with you guys. I'll miss the interactions with you!!! Have a wonderful life, everyone!!
Frosties are just cornflakes for people who can't face reality.