MovieChat Forums > Tom Hiddleston Discussion > His fans turned on him

His fans turned on him

Yes the Hiddlestoners lost their *beep* when it was announced he was going out with the maneater Taylor Swift. Also that speech he made was not a good standing with everyone but I thought it was great. Forreal these hiddlestoners would get moist in the pants with everything he said and did. But then they started insulting him. When he did that underwear pictorials I thought that these Hiddlestoners uteruses would explode but they went on and said how he looked unattractive. My question is wassup hiddlestoners why yall turned on him?


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Oh wow the trolls have come out for one last hurrah before the message boards are closed.Awww I'm so going to miss their sorry arses NOT😂😂 What are you losers going to do with your time now? You have nowhere to go with your illiterate,piss poor *beep* comments.


You're wrong. Most of us just were just waiting until it was over. We saw that Taylor Swift was using him for her own selfish gains and that she didn't deserve him. She's just a high-maintenance priss and a manipulative liar whose narcissism knows no bonds.

Better to be a wolf of Odin than a Lamb of God.


Sadly some did turn on him, but not all of us. I found nothing wrong with his GG speach, it was very Tom, imo, meaning he tends to ramble and over explain himself when he talks about things he's very passionate about.


Just because you're a fan of someone doesn't mean you have to like everything they do.


I'm not one for sweeping generalizations. There are some who turned on him, or turned away, and some stayed with trepidation, or some stayed and nothing's changed their support of him. I'm part of the last crowd, but I did make a benign joke or two at his expense, but all in all, I still respect him as a person and actor. It just depends on how personally invested anyone feels about him. That's up to every individuals. Tbh, he's no different to a lot of stars. If dating TS is a sure fire faux pas, I wouldn't even consider it anything other than silly celeb fodder in the grand scheme of things. Really, it's actually stupid imo lol

"The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience." - TH


People who become famous as some sort of "internet boyfriends" to needy fan girls can't expect to have very long or serious carreers. Fan girls change taste more often than we change underwear, and when they finally realize they never have a shot with him it's over. He might get a small boost with the upcoming Thor film, but after that it's back to obscurity.


Hey Shopgirlbec go stab yourself in the *beep* and the knife in your mother's mouth.
