Pregnant at 37?

I didn't think about it until now because she looks so youthful for her age, but I'm surprised no ageists have made a big deal about her having a baby at 37. That's pretty cool and seems kind of rare in Hollywood--good for her!


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Is she that big of a star to be made a big deal of? 37 isn't even that old to have a baby. Halle Berry was pregnant at 47 and Janet Jackson is pregnant at 50. Now those are big deals.


I was 37 when my son was born 29 years ago.
Healthy and in one whole piece.
He also models menswear.


At first I misread that and thought you are currently 37 and your son was born 29 years ago.


Wow you guys must age like milk if you think 37 is old. Lol.


My mom had me when she was 35 years old and the life expectancy back then wasn't anywhere near what it is nowadays.

I think it's completely normal for Morena to have a child at that age. It's not uncommon for 40 and 50-year-olds to be giving birth due to the advancement in medicine.

The oldest person (as far as I know) was 70 with the assistance of in vitro fertilization (IVF):
