She's scary!

Am I the only one who find this woman a little terrifying? Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful and all, but I can't help feeling as if there's just something... off about her. She has the kind of facial expression, that behind every smile, screams "I'll smother you in your sleep, and I'll do it for no reason whatsoever."

I don't know much about her personal life, or her actual personality, but on my gut feeling alone, I would NOT trust this woman! ( ' - ')


Am I the only one who find this woman a little terrifying?

No, but I do feel that way about her Firefly co-star Gina Torres. No matter what other role shes in I'll always think of her as maggot-face from Angel. That was the reason it took me so long to watch Firefly in the first place.

As a warrior and as a man, I will leave my mark upon the world! Marguilus


I see that too. She seems made for diabolical roles. Not sure if I would fear her, but I can definately see a little vicious behind her eyes.


Every female Firefly character has a subtle feel about her that says "I'm not going to kill you...right now. Do I look fat in this dress?"


Barney Stinson and Ted Mosby believed she had "Crazy Eyes". Other than that, she's adorable.


I wonder if the OP was referring to the How I Met Your Mother episode


She's beautiful, and as a man, yeah, I want to hit that. But she's big trouble - she doesn't know who she is or what she wants, beyond 15 minutes (or a 3 month shoot)..
First off, actors are whores. She marries some poor schlub, has a child with him, then 18 month later, goes to bed with another man, has his child, and bails on husband #1. Seems like a vain, using biatch to me. Your instincts are spot on. 'll bet she ends up with 5 or 6 husbands, and probably dies young like Natalie Wood. She's just too pretty, and too many guys want her. I can't say I blame her, but then again, I do.

Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna


I'll take her off your hands, if only for 15 minutes (which is probably 14.5 minutes longer than I'd need)


Kaylee does not look like that in any way, shape or form. The episode when they're stealing drugs at a hospital and they're in a fire fight, she can't fire her gun and goes and hides, waiting for them to get her.
