MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > An open letter to Greta

An open letter to Greta

Dear Greta

Many look up to you as a heroine for your climate change activist; who knows, you might actually be sincere in your views. You may even be right about climate change.

I have trouble taking you seriously. Usually, I respect the opinions of people who know what they are talking about - meaning people who have the relevant education and work experience in a certain field and have had their theories or studies published and peer reviewed. An example would be doctors or scientists who make recommendations based on studies they did and published their works in reputable peer reviewed literature.

You, however are a high school dropout with no real work or life experience spouting out soundbites that seem to come from an experienced PR firm. With you, there is lots of whining and finger pointing, but no real solutions. Any fifth rate wannabee can complain, but a true leader provides solutions.

Greta, I wish you all the best. Really, I do. I have a feeling that the world won't be having to listen to you for much longer. You're a one trick pony. People get tired of these sort of people quickly. The people funding you will stop when people grow tired of you. You'll be dropped like a
lead weight and have a hard time adjusting to this new reality. So get out while you can.



The best thing about Greta is that she continually triggers people like you. It's hilarious!


how would you define "triggerd" ? laughing at a 20 year old woman who looks 11? who without a script can't answer basic questions? who doesn't give you facts, figures and data, just "how dare you!"

she's a child with a mental illness, being used by her parents to push conspiracy theories, if that make me "triggered", then consider me very "triggered"


You and ilk get triggered over the stupidist things like electric stoves, drag queens, windmills, Greta, etc. That's why the rest of the country is is laughing at you.


you confuse "anger" with me laughing at mentally ill people who think a man can be a woman. it doesn't make me angry, it makes me ask if sexual abuse was taking place during childhood and therefore the normalization of these things.


She doesn't "trigger" me. I generally couldn't care. I was just making an observation.


Nice, i think you'd like this latest video where Greta gets questioned by real journalists:


you can't take her seriously because she's a child with a mental illness who instead of using facts, figures and data to support her cause, cries and uses emotional blackmail.

climate change doesn't exist, infact they didn't call it climate change once, it was "global warming" but little by little we've seen that it isn't getting warmer, we're seeing even colder weather! i mean what happened to the sacred ozone layer!? when was the last time you heard them mention that!? so now it's climate change!

you can go back to the 80s and read their predictions, they said northern europe would reach 80 degree weather in winter by 2020, they've just had the biggest cold snap in recent memory!

it's all lies, it's all BS.
