She's an actor

Just like her parents.

Laughing at all the suckers 🤣


We're all actors. Brando said it best, that we learn to act as infants playing pretend, or refuse to do something our Mom wants us to because we know it will piss her off, or a few years later when we pretend we like our smelly Uncle Joe because our Dad wants us to.

So she's an actor, but doing it for the sake of one of the most, if not THE most, important problems facing our slowly dying planet.


So you're saying she is pretending?

Brando made that point that everyone 'acts' from time to time ala the circumstances that you mentioned ... But not all the time.

So you agree that in this instance it's an act.

Also 'climate emergency' and 'caring about the environment' are 2 completely different things you know. It's the guise everyone hides behind to shut down legitimate debate about the subject.


Maybe I didn't make my point well enough. The Brando examples I gave were general comments about all of us learning acting skills, if you will. Greta is not pretending, she's very sincere and believes what she's saying, but she's learned how to deliver her message - call it acting - while speaking to an audience, much like politicians who all learn acting skills to give speeches, raise money for their campaigns, get reelected, etc.

I don't understand the point of your last sentence. How do they relate to Greta Thunberg?


So cake and eat it too kind of thing, right.

Both of her parents are actors, dhe is also an actor. They are only in it for personal gain economically.

And you know exactly, but there is no possible response because it's hipocrisy.


You're not making much sense. Over and out.


Well she’s obviously not a scientist. So her opinion is worthless. No surprise the left exploits her though. Used like a Biden diaper.
