MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > ‘You can shove your climate crisis up yo...

‘You can shove your climate crisis up your arse’: Greta Thunberg sings at Cop26

Song and dance girl. Followed by preaching.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg had some choice words for the world leaders inside the Cop26 conference in Glasgow. Joined by some of the many activists rallying around the climate change meeting, Thunberg decried inaction from politicians and big business, saying ‘We are not going to let them get away with it anymore.’


She's not the Messiah, she's just a naughty girl.


I dont get where the world leaders are planning to go with this climate change element. I mean,if they want to control people,they already have corona for that. But i guess they need the climate change too.


It has nothing to do with "control of the people." It's about saving the people from future droughts, famine and other natural disasters.

COVID-19 is a pandemic which affects the entire world. Do you truly believe every leader on Earth wants their own countries infected with a virus?


Climate change does exist,i am not deying it. The point is: what are the leaders planning to do with this? Media pumps this element a lot,and world leaders always says "we plan to do this and this by 2030 or 2050",but then they never say HOW they will do it (thats why activists like Greta are angry at them),so you should ask yourself what they are planning to do about that.

About corona,i am just tired of hearing about that: it is a silly virus with a GREAT pr agency! Viruses like h1n1 in 2011,Ebola in 2014,or Swine Flu in 2009 were way,way and way worse than silly corona,but we never did lockdowns,green pass,and other political acts like that for those viruses. Ask yourself why. Its totally about control of the population.

P.S. The term "pandemic" is meaningless,thats what Fauci said. He said that there is not a exact definition of the meaning of this term.


They're supposed to be doing things like reducing carbon emissions and developing clean renewable energy sources. But, like you say, nothing gets done. There's a lot of idle talk and formation of "study groups," "commissions" or "committees" that accomplish zero.

This is my suggestion. When the U.S. wanted to accomplish a moon landing, they had top scientists working fulltime to reach this goal, and they achieved it. Why not do the same with the climate and energy problems? Even NASA itself could refocus its objectives less on space and more on the Earth itself. Every nation on the planet should have its best scientists working together on this.
