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‘Blah, blah, blah’: Greta Thunberg lambasts leaders over Climate Emergency

Activist says there are many fine words but the science does not lie – CO2 emissions are still rising


Perfectly said by Greta, she is damn right these politicians are all words and no action.


No one is ever held to account over what they say 10 years down the line (unless they are being cancelled by PC police). No one blinks an eye over Gore's prediction of "CA coast will be underwater in ten years!!" nor multiple other hysterical celebrity claims about the future and what the planet will do.

Can't we all just join forces and fix the climate problem by paying 2 dollars per grocery bag instead of 10 cents?


People ignore Greta at their own peril.


Are you kidding me? Is that grocery bag international or are you a Swede like me?


Gore made that statement what 20 years ago? And still no flooding. That should be enough for you to realize that global warming (now called climate change) was a hoax. Stop worrying about the nonsense. I still remember in the early 70's when they said we were headed for an ice age, that didn't happen either. I also heard stories about preacher yapping about how the world would in the early 20th century, it didn't happen either. The only thing you can be certain of is that there will always be Chicken Little running around screaming that the world is ending... and they will always be full of shit.


"grocery bags" cause global warming! 1 gram of plastic a day destroys the world. You better tell Greta!


Exactly! Hey wait ... if we pay $100 per bag can we keep the temperature at exactly 70 degrees perpetually?

(btw, since the big bag scare, they are making bags that are 10 times as thick and i still throw it away)


Actual science doesn't lie or tell the truth.

People lie all the fucking time.

Scientists lie all the fucking time.


Greta doesn't lie. It is in our best interest to listen to her.


What you mean is "Great doesn't realise she's lying".


Greta is just a retarded pawn being used to push the hoax.


I love the you tube video that shows the snippet of her histrionic speech with her bizarre facial expressions and then cuts to Jordan Peterson eviscerating every thing she says


she is a pretty funny meme


Greenhouse blah blah blah ozone blah blah blah icecaps blah blah blah.
See? I can do it too.


"How DARE you?"


She is so intelligent it's almost overwhelming. She gives me hope that the world will be safe one day. I hope they will build a statue of her in each country in the world.


