Publicity trick

I am not against climate change. There are billions of dollars at stake so I don't trust the arguments from either side.

But Greta is a publicity trick. I am not doubting this girl's fight about climate change, but she is not up there because of merits, there are scientists and engineers much more credible and deserving.

It is like a female politician. You can only use another female politician to criticize a female politician. A non good looking teenage girl is a novel invention because it is very difficult to attack a girl like that, you have to find another teenage girl of equal fame and status. I think there were powerful forces working behind the scenes to put her in EU and UN meetings. To create this public figure as the face of climate change, so anyone criticizing or attacking her or climate change would look like a bully.

Like I said there are billions of dollars at stake, so I am not surprised. She is actually one more reason I doubt about climate change, people behind her are not decent people.


I'm against climate change. I want it to stay about the way it is now. But climate change has been happening for about 4.5 billion years, and it's going to continue to happen no matter what I want.


That depends on whether climate change has anything to do with industrialization and to what extent. But due to the fact both sides have significant financial backing and billions of dollars at stake the research of both sides could have been contaminated by corruptions.


Yes, but the Radical Left is too ignorant to grasp this simple concept. And the whole thing is simply a ploy to grab more POWER over us!



Plus she is an actor, just like BOTH of her parents.


Even if you were "against climate change" it would go on regardless. Our planet is a complex system affected by so many factors human science hasn't even guessed. Climate is always changing. You can welcome it, you can be against it - the Universe doesn't care.


too right.


I hear the carbon emissions from just a single volcanic eruption like Mt. St Helens are more than all released by humans ever.


If that was true, we would be dead already.


Her parents pushed it. They are wannabe celebrities themselves, and i guarantee they are the force behind this talking potato.
