Poor Greta, must be feeling so ignored now
That nobody cares about climate change and all the attention is on the virus.
How dare you
That nobody cares about climate change and all the attention is on the virus.
How dare you
She's a puppet, yo. When the time is right, the puppeteers will get her out there again.
Greta herself doesn't give a fuck about any of this crap.
Of course, come November all this COVID stuff will be forgotten and it will be again time to pick up the climate change cause.
shareWhat makes you think they won't use COVID as a direct reason to enact the climate change BS?
shareAs it happens that is precisely what they are doing. The director of The WHO is already saying that COVID is a product of climate change. Only a matter of time until Saint Greta reveals this to us.
shareCOVID is a product of climate change
That’s the new spin they will try to sell
Green politics is not about the environment. It's about control. While there are decent people who have genuine concerns about the environment, Greta and many if not most of her followers have other motives besides the environment. They want control. Read up on Agenda 21 and what is behind the 'green mask. These people are also supportive of mass immigration. How is mass immigration good for the environment? Read and clue up.
Sorry, but it isn't. There's nothing more valuable than freedom and democracy.
share[–] EB2440 (441) 2 minutes agoWhat about, "Life"? share
Sorry, but it isn't. There's nothing more valuable than freedom and democracy.
LIfe ain't worth a damn under tyranny.
share[–] EB2440 (444) 6 hours agoHyperbole much? You've never lived nor died under tyranny. You don't know nor have ever known anyone who has lived or died under tyranny.
LIfe ain't worth a damn under tyranny.
I answered your dude, LOL. If you can't hack the answers the questions you ask, don't ask them and stay off the internet. LOL. Nice one.
share[–] EB2440 (448) 4 hours agoGot it. Can't talk like an adult. When threatened or feeling fear your overly sensitive "Flight" or "Fight" response kicks in.
I answered your dude, LOL. If you can't hack the answers the questions you ask, don't ask them and stay off the internet. LOL. Nice one.
LOL, thanks for the comedy, but you're repeating what I said about you. I mean, you're the one who got tea pissed into. I just told you how I felt dude. There is no "fight or flight". I just gave you a response. It's that simple. Deal with it. And, you heard the expression, you can't talk to stupid, well, you're a prime example. I wasn't looking for a fight. Apparently, you were though because someone said what you didn't want to hear.
share[–] EB2440 (453) 4 hours agoIt is not that difficult keeping posting threads straight. There is no me repeating you here. You haven't said anything to me that is remotely understandable, let alone what I just observed about your behavior and stated as such.
LOL, thanks for the comedy, but you're repeating what I said about you.
I mean, you're the one who got tea pissed into.??? You think you're pissing into tea? What response of mine are you even guffawing about?? Seriously, you actually think you said or typed something that bothered me? Could you point it out just what I was/am bothered about?
I just told you how I felt dude.You made an "absolute" statement about freedom and democracy. That was you explaining to me how you felt? To which you followed up with another absolutism of: "LIfe ain't worth a damn under tyranny."
There is no "fight or flight". I just gave you a response. It's that simple.To which you responded with some general confrontational statement of: "I answered your dude, LOL. If you can't hack the answers the questions you ask, don't ask them and stay off the internet. LOL. Nice one." Sounds to me you want to hide from a conversation by suggesting that I disappear. Passive aggressively fighting and fleeing in one statement?
Deal with it.There is nothing to "Deal With", except you don't know how to have a conversation and or express ideas or ideology. I conceded as much and wished you good "Cheer".
And, you heard the expression, you can't talk to stupid, well, you're a prime example. I wasn't looking for a fight.So at least you admit to Fighting and continue to Flee. 😎
Apparently, you were though because someone said what you didn't want to hear.You still can't find a single thing that I have referenced or responded to as something I didn't want to hear or had some "Tea" that only you've been drinking.
Can't argue with stupid. Love and kisses. Get happy! LOL
sharePersonal liberty is moot if you’re in a world where Nature itself grinds you mercilessly under its heel. We’ll see how free you end up when the crops fail in North America. Freedom isn’t free. It’s quite costly. American style liberty was made possible by the abundance of land and other resources which made it affordable.
shareMeh, need to get rid of people who are restricting people's freedoms all in the name of the environment or some scamdemic.
The problem with climate change proponents is their All or Nothing stance that mirrors the same exact stance as the deniers of Climate Change (as seen in a lot of responses like here).
But, let's be frank here, most CC proponents come from money and they have lots of money vested in coastal communities around the world. Indeed, if the water rises then their real estate goes to shit. On the flipside, climate change causes disruption to inland peoples as well who live near rivers and lakes, but a lot of them are poor and living on the edge. I don't see either Liberal or Conservative sides in the 1st world embracing any major efforts in helping them, and the result is the mass exodus of 3rd World refugees into 1st World countries. Those on the Right say FUCK THEM, while those on the Left weep copious tears as a means of righteously doxxing Rightwingers for saying such a thing, but they don't offer any solution either.
Greta's rise can be seen as puppetry, but I don't deny her intent like so many triggered AltRighters do, but I think the Liberals prop her up too much without offering any substantial backup to support her cause.
> The problem with climate change proponents is their All or Nothing stance that mirrors the same exact stance as the deniers of Climate Change
No, the problem is the deniers, and trolls for money low life.
Most of you are jealous that a little girl is getting more attention than you know you ever will.
The way the communist left has used big corporations to do an end around to ban free speech, lock people up for Chinese flu 19, and ignore the constitution, they have shown their playbook of how they’ll ignore the rule of law to implement policy the majority of the American people would never support.
Now they’re using Teachers Unions to empower the communist demands of BLM. To abolish police departments. They used their grocery unions to enforce the scientifically unproven mask nonsense.
The days of caring what the American people want are long gone for the communist Democrat Party and their media.
They can’t win open debates. They aren’t persuasive. Their obsessive hate does not inspire anyone. They’ll find a way to implement their climate religion regardless of what the American people want. That’s how communism works.