MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Even Bernie says population control has ...

Even Bernie says population control has to be done now.

"Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it's crucial to face," an audience member asked. "Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?"


So unleash a pandemic and erase 75% of humanity.

Problem solved.


Eat the babies and the girls that don't look like Megan Fox.




lol fail.


Before you go screaming like chicken little you need to look at the population growth of a particular age say people 25-35... Now see how much that segment has grown, because of lot of the doom and gloom on population explosion is bullshit that is based on the simple fact that people live longer today than they did in the past. Assume you had a population of 50/50 men and women and each man and woman married and had 1 female and one male, and those offspring did the exact same thing. You wouldn't really have any real population growth because you would be getting a new baby to replace the parent. If you took a count of all the people in that little world and it was 50,000 people you would expect to go 100 years in the future and it would still be 50,000 people... However, if the first time you counted the people the life expectancy was 50 years old and the next time you counted them 100 years in the future it was 75 years old then you would have a lot more people simply because of the change in life expectancy. That is a lot of what you are seeing now with the population increase. It isn't increasing because people are suddenly multiplying like rabbits it is increasing in many parts of the world because of the longer life expectancy. Not to say some countries aren't experiencing growth from actual birth rates, but a large chunk of the increase is driven by life expectancy.

I'm not saying there isn't a segment of the world that isn't growing more than it should their is, it tends to be the third world country. Places like Africa where people don't just reproduce to replace themselves but reproduce like rabbits. Nothing really wrong with that the rest of the world left them alone. It goes back to a concept of K selective and R selective animals where K selective animals reproduce slowly and put lots of effort into seeing that their few off spring live to become an adult where R selective animals are like rabbits or mice and just have lots of offspring


that will more often than not die before they are old enough to reproduce. In a way the humans in western developed countries tend to be K selective in how they reproduce, smaller families and putting lots of effort into the small number of kids, whereas an african family is more R selective where they have lots of kids and because of disease and everything else they face they are lucky if 1 or 2 kids actually live to become adults. That was the way it was in the 1950's and it worked out well... but then you get some fucked up organizations like Feed the Children that go to a place where you have people living an R selective existence and start giving them more food and providing medicine so the kids don't have the same risk of death they previously did and pretty soon you get a big population problem because you haven't bothered to educate these people to adopt a K selective mindset. They basically become a bunch of field mice that suddenly stumbled upon a nice big wheat field where cats don't exist. They reproduce like mad and will reproduce themselves into starvation.

So when you want to tackle the population of the world you have to look at where it needs to be controlled. It isn't the developed countries, they are often approaching zero population growth... its the third world countries and if you want to fix the problem just stop providing aid to those country in any form and nature will take its course and bring them back down to the levels that they would have been at if bleeding hearts hadn't "helped" them to live longer.


just get rid of africa, china and the middle east........ that is where the growth is strongest.... and they don't contribute anything positive to our earth as well, quite the opposite.

the truth, i have spoken


Just say get rid of any girl that doesn't look like Megan Fox.


If all girls looked like Megan Fox, I don't think men can walk straight while growing up.


I'm in for that plan.

china doesn't bother anyone though and there are cute people, so save them for last.


Regardless of attractive or ugly you find the Chinese to be, they are pretty much human maggot that will eat anything which is why we have the Wuhan flu now. If they would stop trying to eat fucking bats and shit we wouldn't have this problem... pretty much like the way Africans give the world Ebola because they eat fucking monkeys. Can't these people just stick to farm raised chicken and beef and stop trying to prove they can eat anything that walks, crawls or flies?


exactly !

China Taxi driver removes a beagle




Chinese people when brought up in the US show no weird behavior, so it's just cultural. Other than that, Asians are perfectly fine people when raised in the west.

In their own, countries, they aren't great lol.


The one excellent thing about Asians is that they aren't insane fantasy people as much as White people. White people entertain all of this cancerous religious stuff from the mideast and have for a long time, like a LONG time. We don't believe it but don't deny it. We typically also won't READ religious text to find out how sinister they are.

If Chinese people were more powerful jews and muslims could kiss their asses goodbye. They wouldn't last a week.


oh really, watch this my friend:

Taxi driver removes a beagle


What an absolutely societal suicidal mentality. Socialism is like a pyramid scheme and only can be sustainable if there are more young people coming in to pay into the social systems at a higher rate then the people taking out from it. The second the replenishment rate drops below 1 child for every 1 person (or 2 for every combination of man and woman) than it cannot afford to continue. This is the problem they are having in those European countries, such as mine country Germany; are birth rate just dropped below 1.6 and we are going to be experiencing economic disaster in the next 20 years unless something is changed. This is why the German government is beginning to implement policies that instinctive having multiple children.

It is just simple numbers, you can't have more people taking from something than are putting into it; unless Bernie Sanders is implying the population of the old should be decreased, in which case I say he starts with himself or he is a hypocrite. But we already know he is; when asked why it is okay for him to be a millionaire he said: “I wrote a best-selling book, Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too"

So the only time it okay to be wealthy, according to him, is if you write a best selling book. Or maybe he is just a self serving hypocrite that is obsessed with power and money and is exploiting the ignorance and foolishness of people.


You are delusional.

Money is fake, it's called a "fiat currency" which means it's based on nothing but an idea.

When attempting to change the behavior of retarded people you can create what's called a "Token Economy". That's where you give them "stickers" to do things. So, they see the sticker and are like "Wow! That's shiny" and they will take out the trash.

What is valuable is "taking out the trash" and what is not valuable is the "Shiny sticker" but the retard will do anything for these stickers. That is YOU and YOUR BELIEF about money.

You are a retard who has fallen for the idea that the shiny stickers you get are valuable, when actually it's your work that is more valuable.

Rich people say, "We can't fix the cities and we can't help sick people BECAUSE it costs too many SHINY FUCKING STICKERS" and those stickers aren't real. They don't even have to really PRINT FUCKING MONEY anymore because now we just respond to numbers on a computer.

ALL WORK IS DONE FOR FREE BY US as long as we get the sticker.

If you realize this, then you realize that there is infinite money for everything and all of us can make anything happen because we work for free.


"Money is fake, it's called a "fiat currency" which means it's based on nothing but an idea."

Well it is not fake, it is an agreed upon representation of value of exchange. obviously if people stopped agreeing on that representation then it would become worthless, but then something else would have to be created in its stead or the ability to exchange freely between people would cease to be possible. I don't think you understand even the most basics of what exchange between 2 parties means. Your comments are bizarre and stink of neo-Marxism.

"When attempting to change the behavior of retarded people you can create what's called a "Token Economy""

This sounds racist.

"That's where you give them "stickers" to do things. So, they see the sticker and are like "Wow! That's shiny" and they will take out the trash. '

The sticker is worth something because you did something instead of getting bread from that person for taking out their trash you get a token and you can go buy the bread you want. This is freedom; What are you even talking about.

"That is YOU and YOUR BELIEF about money."

That is a belief that has raised over half the world out of abject poverty in the last 30 years alone. People aren't starving to death nearly as much as they were because of this "BELIEF". You know were they stopped 'believing' in money? Venzuela, how are they faring lately?

"You are a retard who has fallen for the idea that the shiny stickers you get are valuable, when actually it's your work that is more valuable. "

That again makes no sense, who do you value something without a value? Money provides the number value I want to for in exchange for my work. What is your work worth to society if there is no value to it? What system would you create in this stead; because even the smartest thinkers of the last 60 thousand years of human civilization haven't come up with something better; but you arrogant enough to think you have a better system?



I stopped reading your nonsense after like the first sentence.

An apple isn't an "agreed upon" apple, it's a fucking apple.

The whole idea I clearly explained to you is that money is not real, it's LOOSELY agreed upon being real. People living in poverty and starving aren't part of the agreement plan. People murder people over money more than anything and they don't get they're murdering over an "agreed upon" thing of value, lol.

There is no argument you can come up with to beat what I've said, because what I've said in the facts.


"I stopped reading your nonsense after like the first sentence."

This is a logical fallacy, a non-argument. It called hyperbole.

"An apple isn't an "agreed upon" apple, it's a fucking apple."

more hyperbole, it is ignoring the idea of currency is a representation that has an agreed upon value. without money how do you value the worth of an apple? And what do you think society would be better if you did labor for someone and all that person could do was pay you in apples? What are then supposed to do with the apples? Trade them? with who? what if no one around wants apples, how do you get bananas if no one values the apples? I feel like I am talking to a 5 year old.

"People living in poverty and starving aren't part of the agreement plan."

Again, capitalism's ability to produce money has raised over half the world out of abject poverty in the last 30 years alone. They might not be part of the plan but damn they are benefiting as a result of it. This is because the free market (which is based on the value of that "loosely agreed upon" currency) generates abundance and opportunities, which in turn gets people (even poor people) chances to trade for things like food.

"People murder people over money more than anything"

Citation needed. This is utter crap. There is no truth to this whatsoever.

"There is no argument you can come up with to beat what I've said, because what I've said in the facts."

This is more hyperbole, citation needed for all of your "facts". This was all your belief and your interpretation of the concept of money, nothing more. And your interpretation is completely based in ignorance.


"They don't even have to really PRINT FUCKING MONEY anymore because now we just respond to numbers on a computer."

Do you understand math or what "value" means? it does not matter what the number is or where it is contained. What matters is the exchange. I exchange my labor for a value; that value is represented by numbers on a screen. I can then take those numbers and exchange them for other things, such as food I want to eat. What other form of exchange do you want to see implemented? from the sound of it, one where the government provides all of this.

"ALL WORK IS DONE FOR FREE BY US as long as we get the sticker."

Well somehow my work has lead me to be able to buy a house and feed my family. So I will stick with the stickers then since they keep me and my children alive. You sound like you have been smoking something; would you like it better if we switched from using currency money to exchanges with marijuana?

"If you realize this, then you realize that there is infinite money for everything and all of us can make anything happen because we work for free."

First rule of economics is scarcity. Resources are not infinite. money is used to categorize the value of resources that are finite. The more finite the more valuable the resource. You sound like the one that is delusional.


You are too stupid to understand the concepts.

An apple cannot be values as more "appley" from day to day.

It has the value of eating that apple and for what it will do for you as food. Meanwhile, the fake money system has wild ranges of value that aren't real and serve no purpose other than to perpetuate the system.

Socialism takes what's I've said and applies it, typically, to things very important to life.

For instance, in the US, the school system is socialist. You can't have people fucking with it where one day class costs X then the next it's Y. That would mean that people couldn't afford it then or school would ruin families, and then we would have a bunch of savages on our hands.

Socialism is rational while playing around with value is making a game out of life. That is fine for perfume or luxury items, but not for things that keep people alive. Cops, prisons, hospitals, school, the military, our train and plane companies are secretly socialist, because they are rational, needed, and essential services to civilization.

A good test to see if you're stupid is if you know that or not.


"You are too stupid to understand the concepts."

Ad hominem. more non-arguments from you.

"An apple cannot be values as more "appley" from day to day."

How much is an apple worth to a person that is starving compared to someone that is full? of course the value changes, what a ridiculous statement. Do you even know what the word 'value' means?

"the fake money system has wild ranges of value that aren't real and serve no purpose other than to perpetuate the system."

money is nothing more than the representation of the value of the good, such as an apple; as the value of the apple changes, in this example, so does the value of money. You seem to not understand what words mean.

"Socialism takes what's I've said and applies it, typically, to things very important to life."

Socialism is based on the idea of theft, taking from those that have things and redistributing those things to others. It is an evil ideology.

"For instance, in the US, the school system is socialist. You can't have people fucking with it where one day class costs X then the next it's Y. "

Then why is it that Charter schools and private schools produce better results on average than public schools.

"Socialism is rational while playing around with value is making a game out of life."

of course it is rational. It makes sense to take from people that have more than you. it is easy to rationalize envy, greed, and theft.

"Cops, prisons, hospitals, school, the military, our train and plane companies are secretly socialist,"

All of these things are ripe with corruption and extremely wasteful in spending. Anything that are run by people is going to be. The thing is, if there was a private market for those things, there would be choice; I could pick the cops and teachers I want for my family. train and plan companies are not "secretly socialist" they are private companies that get government subsidies, that is not socialism it is crony capitalism.


So far this year:

Coronavirus - 1,100
Flu - 10,000
Suicide - 6,200
Preventable medical errors - 25,000
Car accidents - 4,250
Abortion - 125,000


That is true about medical errors. The CDC death list in the months here lately is lower than the last 5 years because people aren't going to the hospital unless really sick. So they aren't getting killed by quack doctors giving them the wrong medicine.


Here's an easy solution for population control. Let free markets determine how many kids people choose to have. Some people will have more, some the same, some less. It's not a question for any government to decide. In the developing world, populations can only inevitably stabilize as they develop further. There is no population crisis. Every intellectual who has ever predicted overpopulation has been wrong in the past, and when you look further into their political philosophy you quickly realize that they will resort or despotic means to implement their master plans. It also drives otherwise good people to do barbaric things such as in China during the one child policy. People would literally commit infanticide by drowning their daughters to get rid of them and comply with the totalitarian regime's policy.


Problem is that the free market doesn't work. It allows certain people to gain so much power they cause disaster and then everyone has to stop and regroup and decide how to run things in the future ... repeat, again and again.

If after 2000 years of civilization people have not figured this out, it shows people are certainly not smart enough to precisely judge the value of things - which is the one feature the free market relies on. You cannot have ignorant people, new ones every generation learning the same old thing, or not learning, and nothing changes. The world is approaching a disaster and just letting it happen is folly.

There is over-population now. As the economy grows by people joining it and buying all the stuff that the market offers which creates growth ... and growth cannot be infinite. Already we have far too many people for the carrying capacity of the planet.


Hard to get a lot of power without government intervention/use of force.

How did the overpopulation come about?


Is Bernie going to go to India, and the Africa continent and tell or make them have fewer babies???


I didn't think so.

That IS where the problem is. If you grandstand over this issue in the US you are playing BS politics and not playing with reality.


Is Bernie going to go to India, and the Africa continent and tell or make them have fewer babies???

No of course they aren't. Nor are they lecturing China about their CO² emissions. It seems to be to be literally only about one thing, indulging their fetish of verbally admonishing "white" people (more accurately, Western people), they only exist to make us feel guilty about living in (relative) safety and comfort. They want to take things away from you (your car, your right to have children) because they are sadists, because it gives them a sick twisted thrill, not because they are trying to save anything or anyone.

If they do really want to "save the planet", they are incapable of doing so because they clearly will not abandon their unwritten "thou shalt not ever criticise foreign people" rule that they have in order to lecture or boss around OTHER countries that are much bigger polluters. If all you do is lecture English-speaking people obviously there's a limit to what they can achieve. Duh.

Greta is clearly an insane little attention-seeking bitch. Her supporters are so deluded, they act as if the mere action of her shouting and looking grumpy somehow magically lowers the temperature or something! We are living in totally insane times.


Thats a terrible thing to say
