Population control has to be done along with climate change. You can't over crowd the cities with people when you turn the rest of the country to windmills and solar panels. More killer virus stuff will happen like in China now.
These areas — often poorly ventilated, with multiple species jammed together — create ideal conditions for spreading disease through shared water utensils or airborne droplets of blood and other secretions. “That provides opportunities for viruses to spread in closely packed quarters, allowing ‘amplification’ of the viruses,” says Benjamin John Cowling, a specialist in medical statistics at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health. “The risk to humans becomes so much higher.”
Your logic doesn't make sense... "Population control has to be done along with climate change." Wouldn't population control reduce climate change (if it actually existed)?
And what do you mean you can't over crowd the cities with people when you turn the rest of the country to windmills and solar panels, isn't that exactly what you would be doing if you pushed people out of the countryside into the cities?
Now lets move on to your killer virus stuff... their killer virus stuff as you put it is a result of a virus jumping from wild animals to other animals or humans... If we eliminate all the areas of the planet where wild animals live by putting in windmill and solar panels so that there aren't any more wild animals on the planet then we have eliminated the breading ground for all the "killer virus stuff"... so what you are arguing for now would be the mass destruction of animal habitat to insure that all potential "killer virus stuff" is wiped out.
I think you need to sit down and think about what you want to say before you say it because you aren't making any sense at all.
Like in Sweden they have gone down to 50 but they don't have any more vacant land to build on things like solar panels and windmills. They to go father would be ban auto and move people into cities and take there land. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/sweden-co2-emissions/
Not even sure what your trying to say. Go pull up a google map of Sweden and then click on the satellite image... Sweden is far from being so crowded that they need to move people into cities. Lots of open land there right now with nothing but trees.
You want more windmill go chop down the trees. Your comment has made no sense you claimed there was not enough land to install windmills and solar panels... there is lots of land for that junk, but it doesn't really do much to help the environment... unless you like killing birds and spewing toxic waste all across developing countries where the elements used for solar panels are mined.
Land that is acessable for panels and things. Things put on the side of a mountain would cost to much to say this is a cheaper thing to do than burn fossil fuel.
Now your changing your criteria. Your original claim was there was no vacant land. My point is there is plenty of land. You never mentioned cheap land, but now you are throwing in all these qualifiers.
In the end, the problem with the population exploding has nothing to do with climate change (which is a hoax) or food production. The problem that will hit the planet will be a lack of potable water. While the planet maybe 2/3rd water, the vast majority of the water is salt water which is only good if your a saltwater fish, people need fresh water which is what is scarce.
Look, a lot of people hate Trump, but if you're an American and don't appreciate the trade deal he just made with China, you're not paying attention. Both parties kicked the can down the road totally afraid to confront China fearing a trade war would ruin their political careers. Maybe Trump is stupid and reckless, but he tackled the China deal without harming the economy.
Every president for the last two decades or more has ignored the fact that China was stealing our intellectual property. It will be decades before people really understand how this is such a game changer.
Whereas China has millions of people working cheaply to produce products, the U.S. has mostly technology to sell, and having to supply China with plans and blueprints before anything could be built or sold there was saving them tons of money for research and development.
He also used congressionally allocated aid to pressure a foreign government to interfere with a domestic election. He did do that.
You're drawing a conclusion to a situation with no facts in evidence. The former Vice President's son had a job with a Ukrainian energy company for $1,000,000 a year despite the fact he knew nothing about energy and didn't speak the language. What access did Ukraine get to the U.S. government with the VP's son working for them for a million a year?
Was it all smoke and no fire? Maybe - I wasn't there. But if that isn't reason enough to at least suspect something is rotten in Ukraine, what the hell is? So Trump asks for an investigation for corruption before sending American (and mine) tax dollars to Ukraine. I'm not thrilled about seeing my tax dollars going to Ukraine, then being routed out to some corrupt politician back here in the states.
Everybody who hates Trumps doesn't see the fire or smoke, they see it strictly as a way for Trump to gain a campaign advantage.
Just because Biden is a candidate doesn't make him immune to scrutiny.
Then ask your own DOJ to investigate. Why the end-around? Why an illegal aid freeze to try and force an ally to launch an investigation?
And as far as the China "deal", there is nothing written in stone. China did not commit to a fucking thing but some arbitrary trade numbers which means jack shit from the Chinese. The intellectual property issue wasn't settled. China basically signed something where they promised to act in good faith. Do you see how flimsy that is?
Again, if Biden needs to be investigated, why didn't Trump go through his own DOJ? You can't look at that situation and not smell shit unless you are blinded by partisanship.
We are not approaching the Earth's carrying capacity due to lack of space, it's lack of resources, hundreds of years ago the carrying capacity was considerably lower and there was just as much space as there is today.
You might want to get your facts straight before you make an ass of yourself.
I never said that, but since you (or one of your fellow travelers) had my comment deleted, we'll never know.
Speaking of eradication, how about the 60 million Russians that were eradicated between the 20's to the 50's by the Marxists running the place. Gee, I wonder exactly who those 'Marxists' were?
How about The Left (Marxists) wanting massive depopulation like The OP on This Thread, any guesses on how they plan to depopulate the place, or who's running them?
You could even start by looking into just who Marx was.
So, go ahead, virtue signal, tell yourself you're a good person - you're not, you're brainwashed.
Let me guess, you worship that demon in the Old Testament named Yahweh.
So where do you propose those "hooked nosed fucks" go after you remove them from the economy?
Go fuck yourself. You got busted up. Everybody sees it. Just take the L. Save some dignity.
And you can "eradicate" without killing, although I think that was the intent of your comment.
Let's take what you said at face value. You are for removing Jewish people from positions of power in America? Be clear. None of this "I was joking" or "that was out of context" bullshit.
You are for removing Jews from the power structure, correct?
A few comments up Kielanders is advocating for the eradication of the Jews. It takes quite a bit to get to me, but that is off-the-rails fucked up. I'm not Jewish BTW.
Just chill out and quit having your little temper tantrum. Maybe you need to go play with play-do in a safe space. I was mature enough to see that he was kidding and said what he said out of comedy. But again this is between you two.
The only issue here is your immaturity. He was obviously kidding. You have no moral high ground to preach about civility so go back to your safe space.
I'm not an anti-semite and I doubt he's an anti-semite anymore than the OP wants to eat children. You're an immature brat who doesn't know how to take a joke.
You are comparing two totally different conversations in this thread. ANYBODY that can take Kielander's comment as a joke is a fucking joke themselves.
His comment has since been deleted, as well it should.
You Trumpers have no sense of right and wrong. It sickens me.
Just an fyi this moron will defend Trump no matter what he does. Trump could murder someone right before his eyes and there would be some sort of an excuse he would have lined up.
Here is what his defenses will be
Excuse A well anything you excused Obama for use this same logic to excuse Trump. In his mind anyone who dislikes Trump or his politics is an Obama worshiper. Also he will accuse you of treason because in his mind disagreeing with the president or speaking your opinion against what he believes is treason.
Excuse B I never saw you stand up against the comments made by Obama which means you agree with him. I really love this straw man excuse he does.
Anyway just thought I would give you a heads up. I have had run ins with this guy many times.
Nope it does not. However though since they are apart of his clan he will gladly defend whatever it is they do. He will not grant that same type of leniency to people who aren't part of his group.
If you ask him about anything Trump has lied about he will not answer the question. Watch just for giggles ask him about that wall Trump promised he would build. He will not answer and will bring up Obama. I guarantee you.
I am a Raider fan so I REALLY hate The Chiefs. As a Raider fan I also have ill will towards the 49ers, but I am not from the bay area so it doesn't run deep.
49ers all the way. I love that defense and running game. Very physical team and I think they are going to smack the Chiefs in the mouth.