MovieChat Forums > Pablo Schreiber Discussion > Wart from wonder years lookalike??

Wart from wonder years lookalike??

It rattled my brain when I saw him on the wire...where have i seen this face?!?!?!? Then it struck me...WART! Waynes best friend on the wonder years. I have looked it up and its not him but wow is that close. Thoughts?

How am I not myself?... How am I not myself?


OMG I just saw him on Medium and couldn't figure out what I knew him from and you're right, he looks just like wart!


I just checked this page to make sure he wasn't Wart.

The Wire= my favorite TV show ever.
The Wonder Years= my favorite TV show growing up.


That is the same reason I'm here. :p I still feel like I've seen him in something. But I'm guessing it's just the Wart thing. I looked up Wart too. He's a voice actor.
People...what a bunch of Bastards.


Just started watching 'Orange is the New Black' and came here to say this! :)


I can see that.

I'm watching Orange is the New Black, and Pablo oddly reminds me of Marilyn Manson (without the makeup, obviously) for some reason.


To me he looks just like Darren Aronofsky

Perfect. I was perfect.


He looks like Eli Manning to me. If Eli becomes famous enough to warrant a hollywood movie someday, look no further!


I was also rewatching The Wonder Years this week and saw Wort and was like "Is that pornstache??!".
