MovieChat Forums > Ashley Scott Discussion > She looks like KATE BOSWORTH

Yeah but hotter. The reason she's not as big of a star is probably because she doesn't quite have as interesting personality. All her film characters are subdued, average, in the background.


The reason she's not as big of a star is probably because she doesn't quite have as interesting personality.

Not true at all. Ashley is an amazing person (as told to me by her former costar) and she's very funny. Her personality has nothing to do with the characters she plays on tv/movies. Her personality is not what is keeping her from being 'a star'. Sometimes it's better to stay a working actor than a flash-in-the-pan celebrity who the public gets sick of.


personally i think "Birds of Prey" Ashley Scott looks alot more like "Underworld" Kate Beckinsale. Just a younger version of the same character. if they do a real movie of Birds of Prey with "Huntress" as an adult instead of some goth/punk wannabe teeny bopper super hero...i would vote for Kate Beckinsale to play an "adult Huntress."


Ashley Scott 4161987_400.jpg.html?path=pgallery&path_key=Scott,%20Ashley%20(II)

Kate Bosworth 846_400.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=Bosworth,%20Kate


heyy yeahh, never thought of tht, she reminds me katherine heigl..

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kate bosworth is ugly
I think she looks like kiele sanchez


Yup, BETTER. Curvier...

"I'm finished!" - Daniel Plainview
