MovieChat Forums > Kat Dennings Discussion > Shes pretty but shes gross looking too

Shes pretty but shes gross looking too

All she needs to do is loose weight tan and change her hair color, maybe some ombre or chestnut brown and shed be great. Because shes kinda fat she looks kinda piggish espexially with the pale skin. And she looks like she smells...


Kat's already losing some weight, for who knows what reason. But I hope she doesn't lose it to the point she's a stick figure.
And she shouldn't change anything about her looks, because she's already stunning. Dark hair (whether it's straight or curly - and I believe it's naturally curly), pale skin, big-ish nose, full lips, gapped teeth and all. And don't get me started on her personality!


I LoLed at you two. You feeding the troll and him saying such moronic idiocies. I mean he literally said Pig while referring to Kat Dennings, wtf is he smoking and where can it be bought.
Kat is the sexiest bodied chick on TV currently, yes sexier than Christina Hendricks with her clown face, evil eyes and strange pushed up curves. Not many actors come close to having great tits & ass, with a pretty face and great legs on TV, just doesn't happen usually.


Trolls really aren't putting the kind of effort into it that they used to. Where's the love of the craft?


Looks like she smells?! Please explain.


She looks sick with the pale skin and ger features resembles that of a farm animal. I mean shes not ugly but she gives me the feeling that she smells really bad. No matter how done up she is she looks sloppy and basic. A total make over is needed.


Im not trolling i honestly think shes gross looking.


She looks like shes smells like sweat, pig skin and mc donalds.


and you are a hating troll who needs to whip yourself with wet noodles until you bleed, that or get laid so you won't give a sh!t anymore, oh but wait you are probably ugly as f#ck so good luck getting a dog to bone you, maybe if you shove a ham bone in a hole he might give it a lick or two before passing out.
