Kat is becoming too thin
Update: Look at this brand new picture she just posted from the 2 Broke Girls set, with Dennis Quaid. It's starting to show in her face as well as her body. If this is because of Thor 2 (I know pressure is always put on actresses to lose weight for Hollywood epics), I really hope she gains it back again. Here's the latest picture:
http://distilleryimage0.s3.amazonaws.com/3efa7502466111e2ab6722000a1fb 853_7.jpg
My original post: Before Kat became famous, she would often state in interviews that she had made a conscious decision to never cave in to Hollywood pressures. Agents and casting directors had long told her to lose weight and do several other things which would make her like every other famous actress.
There has long been a tradition in Hollywood which dictates that, when an actress becomes famous, she begins to starve herself and give in to the pressures that constantly surround her. We have seen it happen to countless others, Jennifer Connelly, Angelina Jolie, Christina Ricci, the list is endless. What were once beautiful women with feminine curves and healthy bodies became stick-thin, unhealthy-looking and lost most of their appeal. Some of them developed eating disorders (like Ricci). It's a fact that most men are attracted to women who look like women, not young boys.
Worst of all, the message this sends to young women is, of course, a damaging one, and one of the reasons that eating disorders are so prevalent and such an issue in our society today. The days of positive female role models and body types are gone, and the beautiful pin-up girls of the '40's and '50's no longer exist.
Kat was one of the last hold-outs, and I truly believed that she, as she had promised in interviews, would not cave in to these pressures. However, if you have been watching 2 Broke Girls, you will have noticed the change which has just begun. In addition, a few months ago, she made a sudden decision to eat only healthy foods, and cut out anything she deemed as unhealthy from her diet. She has mentioned this a few times on Twitter even going so far as to call foods that she previously enjoyed, such as fish and chips, "junk food" now. On Instagram, she sometimes takes pictures of her current meals, which always consist of a few vegatables (small portions of peas, carrots and the like) and little else, save for "health food bars", health drinks and the like.
The signs are there. Whether this change was triggered by the success of her TV show, or the fact that her role was vastly expanded in Thor 2 such that she may be on the verge of becoming a famous movie star (she is filming Thor 2 currently), I don't know. However, I thought that Kat was stronger than this. We are about to lose another one of our most beautiful actresses to peer pressure, and she could also become stick-thin and lose the uniqueness and yes, sex appeal, which has attracted so many of us to her.
On a side note, she also recently began drinking, after being steadfastly against it for her entire life. She wouldn't touch a drop previously, and now, as she relates on her Twitter, drinks ale virtually every weekend with her boyfriend. I've seen this very thing happen to a family member, to the point where they had become addicted to substances (likely because their bodies had gone without it for so many years, starting to drink later in life is never a good thing). I would not mention this except for the fact that she said herself, that she was very against drinking, and it provides evidence of another change in her life decisions which seem to detailing she is caving in to pressures from all fronts.
Yes, her life is her life and she can do as she likes, but it's never a good sign when people start giving in to things they had fought their whole lives against. I just hate to see her fall into the same trap as most other actresses have. We all love her because she's been unique, beautiful and different from the rest. The change hasn't yet become too pronounced, and hopefully this message can bring awareness and prevent it from going too far.
Hopefully I'm over-reacting and will be proven wrong!