MovieChat Forums > Ksenia Solo Discussion > Ksenia Solo for Jaina Solo In Star Wars ...

Ksenia Solo for Jaina Solo In Star Wars EP7

This chick really needs to be the badass daughter of Han and Leia... J.J. are you listening...


I would go for that.

reply has this rumor up on September 5th: sode_VII_153965.asp

"Jedi News has a source -- dubbed "Jedi Master SQL" -- telling them that Latvian actress Ksenia Solo "is being considered" for a part in Star Wars Episode VII, "potentially Solo playing the daughter of Han Solo." Now, this is certainly out of left field, and the name coincidence does make me wonder if someone is having a little bit of fun with Jedi News. That being said, I've been vocal about my hope that Disney brings in relatively unknown actors for the key roles in the new movies. If this is an example of that casting approach, I'm all for it."


Looks like it might actually end up happening. Fingers crossed. tml


Thanks for the up date... great news... here's to hoping
