MovieChat Forums > Ksenia Solo Discussion > She's very distracting

She's very distracting

In a good way! Any scene she's in on Lost Girl I have a very hard time watching the other actors because of just how striking Ksenia is!

She's sooooooo beautiful and a good actress too!!! If she doesn't become a bigger star in the future it'll definitely surprise me because she has great timing and the soul she brings to Kenzi on the show is undeniable.


Any scene she's in on Lost Girl I have a very hard time watching the other actors because of just how striking Ksenia is!

Same with me. I can barely pay attention to the others when Ksenia is on screen.


^Yes distractingly beautiful, with those hypnotic eyes.


I like her so much I'm not even fangirl jealous that she's dating Kris Holden Reid! She is too much fun on the show.


I was wondering if she and Kris had something going on behind the scenes. Their character chemistry is great, but even just as themselves in convention clips they seem to have off the charts chemistry. Happy for them.
