Ksenia's looking really good!
As much as I loathe getting into the whole "she's too thin" debate (after all, I don't know Ksenia and have no right to judge how she looks), I was rather scared for her last season in 'Lost Girl'. She was just so thin, it was almost painful to look at her, especially since I love her as an actor and think she's fabulously talented. But watching the season 4 premiere episode tonight, it looks like Ksenia has gained a bit of weight: she's curvier than before and her legs don't look quite so much like a pair of twigs that'll snap if she happens to step a bit too heavily. I know she's a dancer and dancers can be thin, but there's a difference between athletically thin and dangerously thin; luckily it looks like Ksenia has made her escape from the latter category.
"Yes! Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"