MovieChat Forums > Nicole Scherzinger Discussion > This ***** is full of herself

This ***** is full of herself

The X-factor is suppose to be about the talent, not about the judges. But during someone's performance that she didn't like, and even Simon Cowell himself did like, she felt the need to stand up and show off her "talent." She's a pigheaded ***** I really hope she gets fired from the show. I HATE people who are full of themselves. ******* pigheaded *****.


She's expressing herself, that's what she's paid to do. Scherzinger's stunning.

When great actors get "overshadowed" by Jude law, there's something very wrong with the world.


Simon didn't like the contestant that he compared to Nicole and was insulting both of them. And I don't understand why there's quotes around the word talent. Nicole IS a good singer. For the record, she didn't sing during the contestant's audition. It was during the break and was edited to make it look like she did it during the audition.
