Kick Ass 2

Read all 7 comics....There's a scene where Red Mist or as he calls himself now 'The *beep* rapes/participates in a Gang-Rape on Katie....Apparently it's gonna be in the film, along with the dog's head cut off....


that would be a HARD R-rated movie.

I can't see that happening.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I kinda hope the filmmakers decide to take it all the way and include that in the movie.


I just wonder how big her role would be. She also has "Nikita" going on, so I don't she will be featured in this movie as much. Plus, the character of Katie wasn't seen as much in the second comic series as she was in the first series.

All I need is one mic...


In an interview a few months back I remember them saying that the rape scene would not be in the movie. I remember this because i thought it was the right choice.

I guess I'll put a video as my signature.


there will always be differences between the comic and film. i heard the first film finished filming before the first comic finished.


They were doing both together but knew where the story would go. Kick-Ass two was finished when the movie started filming and the third will be done before the movie starts.


Don't worry it didn't happen. They decided that that would be too much for a film that's been more lighthearted and funny then..Well rape scenes. What actually happens is Kick-ass had a semi-romance with Night Bitch,partially because Katie dumbs him because she walks in on a misunderstanding between Kick-ass and Hit-girl at school and dumps him,and when Chris forms his group of evil villains they kill Colonel first. That happened in the books..They didn't kill the dog though because Chris said "Hey i'm not that evil" when Mother Russia suggested it,and they go after Night Bitch next. The scene with Night winds up being the one where Katie gets raped however it's only an attempted rape because Chris couldn't "get it up" because he said he "wasn't in the mood."

So yeah
