That's something interesting I've noticed, Chicist; that finding interesting, REALISTIC strong female characters in Hollywood movies is rather difficult.
There are the stereotypical "less than a man" or "weak" females. But then the alternative is usually a "nutbuster" type; someone almost a living parody of a hard and callous female machine. Yet a believably interesting, strong woman? Rare.
I get the feeling that while we've progressed somewhat in our view of women, many men can accept the UNrealistic hard-nosed nutbuster of a woamn more than a genuinely believable impressive woman. At least the unrealistic nutbuster is obviously fictional and thus not a threat to the egos of many men.
Same goes for real life, too, to a degree, I imagine. Men might more often fantasize about a smokescreen of unrealistic strength than a woman who is open, genuine, real and yet still intelligent and strong. Which is unfortunate for me, since too often strong women hide their most impressive charactersitcs (which I, for one, CRAVE)
The American CEO is analogous to the Appendix...