MovieChat Forums > Rob Zombie Discussion > I finally understand his filmmaking styl...

I finally understand his filmmaking style

Rob Zombie is not a fantastic director by any means. But he's not the worst either. Rob Zombie is all about visuals. He's good at capturing moments...visually. If that makes sense. But he's certainly not the best writer and I'd say he's terrible at writing convincing dialogue. I would also give him credit for adding good music in his movies. And if you seriously watch House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, and the Halloween remake...and compare them to some other horror films...they're really not THAT bad. They're not great either. But I've seen a lot worse. I can tell that Zombie at least tried to put some creativity into them. Halloween 2 on the otherhand was lousy. I really didn't understand, nor do I remember much of Lords of Salem. And I haven't seen any of his other films since that, so I can't really comment on his film career any further. But overall, he's an okay director. That's just my honest opinion.


House of 1000 Corpses didn't make much of an impression on me, one way or the other. For some reason it had a Phantasm feel to me. No idea why... the plots had no similarities. But it was just the 'feel' of it at times, can't explain it.

The Devil's Rejects though... damn, I thought that was good. It was less horror and more like a grindhouse thriller, and I thought the directing was far better than the first movie. The 'villains' were weirdly likable thanks to their loyalty to each other.

I haven't seen any of his other movies... is there one you would recommend above the others?


Well, I'd say his Halloween remake is a must see. I can't promise that you'll absolutely enjoy it. But I personally thought it was at least watchable. I'm not exactly a huge fan of the original Halloween anyway. And I'm not saying Rob Zombie's version is perfect by any means. It definitely has a ton of flaws. But I think it's worth at least one viewing.


I must be the only person who thought House Of 1000 Corpses was a far more enjoyable movie than Devil's Rejects. Didn't get into that at all.


Good stuff!
I mostly agree CinemaDemon
I had to watch Salem twice before I really liked it and yep, Halloween 2 was a bit of a mess
I like Zombie's stuff in general


Were you looking into a toilet about to flush when it came to you?


I hope he does another movie of the Firefly family with getting Diamond Dallas Page in it.

I liked the House of 1,000 Corpses parts 2 and 3 by him the most.


House of 1000 corpses and The devil's Rejects were his best movies, and I agree, not really that great. The movies he's made have declined in quality since then. I also agree that he's a much better director than writer. Visuals are his strength.
