More earth quaked Chinese!
More earthquakes have rumbled through China. More crushed moms, broken pops, frightened and abandoned babies. Who will be there to help them? What? PRC alone will be there to help. They can handle it by themselves. I bet there will be noone else to rush to the rescue of those poor broken people.
And who will hold the builders responsible? Who will hold the government responsible for shoddy building practices, slow response with medical care and slow response to the needs of the children? Will the glorious netizens thunder to the rescue, or will they be chasing fame by spanking inept movie stars who try to help? How will this play out?
I bet Ziyi won't be trying to help this time. I bet this time she will be wary of ingrate Chinese whiners and stick to the clubs and jet-set-get-aways. Why try to help people who crap all over you to get a little fame or attention.
I'm really surprised that I haven't heard even a peep about this from the concerned gallery in attendance here in this forum.
What's up with that? Did you think the earthquakes were going to stop? Did you even care about the earthquakes in the first place?
Whut's up?